Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1) What one event from your lifetime would you change if you could, and why?

A. I would not have quit a job I had in 1985. I worked for a lawyer. It was a decent job, and while the work wasn't what I wanted to do with my life, it was tolerable. I left because the lawyer had promised me a raise at a particular point in time, and when he didn't give it to me for reasons that he could not explain when I left, I looked elsewhere. Elsewhere turned out to be not so great. We would have been better off financially if I had stayed with the little lawyer in the little town. However, if I had stayed, I doubt I would have gone beyond my Associates degree at the community college. So there's that.

2) If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be and how old would your younger self be when they got it? Do you think your younger self would listen?

A. I wish somebody had told me I had value as a person.

3) If you could have a conversation with the historical figure of your choosing, whom would you pick and why? What would you talk about?

A. I would like to talk writing with Louisa Alcott.

4) What's a safety rule that's very important to you?

A. Using the turn signal on the car. How hard is that?

5) What would you like to say to people in the future?

A. Kindness never hurts so always be kind.

6) What's your favorite dish to bring to a summer cookout?

A. Potato chips.

7) How much time have you spent outdoors this week?

A. About 15 minutes.

8) Where do you set your thermostat?

A. We keep it on 68 in the winter, moving it every night to 66.

9) How did you learn to swim?

A. I think my father threw me in a pond and told me to swim out. I didn't drown, so I guess I did.

10) How do you avoid overheating?

A. Isn't that what air conditioning is for?

11). What are you going to do this weekend?

A. Laundry. Change the bed. Maybe go for a drive. Stay out of the wind. We are having seriously high winds of late.

12) What’s your favorite way to spend time?

A. Reading, writing, music, or video games. Conversation is good, too, if the other person wants to talk.

13) What’s the most useless thing you own that you would never get rid of?

A. Santa Mouse. He's a Christmas decoration that is older than I am. Totally useless but thoroughly loved.

Santa Mouse was, I think, on an Avon bottle originally.

14) Have you started planning your next vacation?

A. I don't think we will be taking a vacation again this year.

15) Are you very active, or do you prefer to just relax in your free time or is it one and the same to you?

A. I am not very active, and it is not a good thing. I'm far too sedentary.


I encourage you to visit other participants in 
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Great answers this week! As always, I enjoy visiting your blog. I laughed out loud when I read your choice to take to a summer picnic. It is nice when it is something you can grab at the store -- on the way, if necessary!

  2. Loved your answers and your Santa Mouse too! I think if something is loved it isn't 'useless'! Thank you for visiting my blog <3

  3. You've got to keep Santa Mouse!!!

  4. I like your answer to #5. Kindness is never wrong but is sadly in short supply in this world. I'm with everyone else...keep Santa Mouse!

  5. I had an ornament that was my mother's when she was a child. It was my favorite ornament and I was the one who got to put it on the tree each year...until one of my kids broke it. I was very sad. I love your Santa Mouse.


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