Saturday, February 19, 2022

Saturday 9: Rapid Roy

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here. (A Jim Croce song! Cool.)

1) The lyrics tell us that every Sunday afternoon we can find Roy at the racetrack. What are your plans for Sunday?

A. At the moment, I don't really have any. If the weather warms up, I may get outside a bit. We'll see. Update: My husband has mentioned taking a drive tomorrow afternoon.
2) Roy is fearless behind the wheel of his '57 Chevrolet. But it's just natural to feel fear every now and again. What scares you?

A. Covid. Stupidity. The idea of going blind.
3) Roy's been photographed grinning with a toothpick in his mouth. Do you often use toothpicks? If so, do you carry them with you?

A. I use The Doctor's Brush Picks, which are not exactly toothpicks. They are plastic with a little brush-like thing on the end. I don't carry them with me.
4) Legend has it Roy learned to drive fast when he ran moonshine out of Alabama. Moonshine usually refers to illegally produced whiskey. What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank? 

A. Some wine back in 2012. I don't drink alcohol.

5) This week's featured artist, Jim Croce, attended Villanova University, where he played in a band that performed at fraternity parties. When his band was chosen to tour Africa as part of a cultural exchange program, he was excited to learn his host countries' customs. Have you ever traveled overseas? What did your trip teach you?

A. I went to Spain and France when I was a teenager. The trip taught me that being American isn't the big deal that others think it is. Most people don't care if you're American, they will still whack you upside the head.

6) Jim met his future wife, Ingrid, at a party. They discovered that they both loved Joan Baez and Woody Guthrie. Tell us about one of your friends, and what you two bonded over.

A. My friend B., who is now deceased, and I bonded over our mutual love of our county's history. Botetourt was formed in 1770 and at one time went all the way into Wisconsin. The county seat, Fincastle, formed in 1772, so it's celebrating its 250th birthday this year.
7) Early in their marriage, while Jim was working hard to launch his music career, Ingrid helped make ends meet by baking bread and canning fruits and vegetables. Do you have any frugal cooking tips or "cheap eats" recipes to share?

A. Buy a can of Vienna sausages. Eat them.

8) In 1972, Mark Spitz became a sensation, winning seven Gold Medals for swimming. After making money in endorsements and TV appearances, he settled into a career as a realtor in Los Angeles. Are you contemplating a change in residence anytime soon?

A. No.

9) Random question: Which of these "top ten" lists would you prefer to be on -- the sexiest, the smartest or the richest?

A. The richest, I guess. I'm already fairly smart but it didn't make me rich. And I'm too old to care about "sexy."
I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. Your cheap eats answer was funny!

  2. #7 My mother used to make hors d'oeuvres with Vienna sausages, mint jelly and some long lost other ingredients that she put in a fondue pot. I think that I am going to paw through her recipe draw during the snow storm this afternoon.

  3. I discovered those little brushes last year. They are the best invention! So much nicer and comfortable than floss or picks.

  4. Walt loves Vienna sausage. And Spam.

  5. I want to be on that richest list also.
    Oh how fun! I hope you have a nice peaceful drive. It will be nice here, we should do the same thing. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. Glad you enjoy Croce. I heard this on the oldies station the other day and thought it would be nice to share with the Sat 9 gang.

    I think it's very cool that you and your friend bonded over a love of local history.

  7. I use those same toothpicks. My teeth have moved as I've lost a few molars (no fluoride as a kid, giant fillings, and no effing way I'm having a root canal).


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