Saturday, April 24, 2021

Saturday 9: All I Ever Need is You

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.  
1) The lyrics tell us that some men search for silver, some for gold. Are you wearing either silver or gold right now?

A. My watch band has both gold and silver on it. It's a Timex so I doubt it's real gold or silver.

2) This song was a top 20 hit in the United States but sold much better in Canada. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of our neighbor to the North?

A. They don't have mass shootings.

3) It's performed by one of pop's most successful duos, Sonny and Cher. Can you name another duo that made hit records?

A. Hall & Oates.

4) In addition to their recording career, Sonny and Cher were TV stars. In a recurring sketch on their variety show, Cher played a "v-a-m-p: VAMP!" These characters were always sexy and seductive. Do you consider yourself a good flirt?

A. No.

5) Sonny dropped out of high school in Inglewood, CA. Cher dropped out of high school in Fresno. What's the last year of education you completed?

A. I have a masters degree.

6) Sonny first became Mayor of Palm Springs, and then represented the district in Congress. The city erected a statue in Sonny's memory. Tell us about a statue or monument in your town.

A. In nearby Eagle Rock, there is a monument to Lock 10, the last lock of the James River & Kanawha Canal system. This mode of early transportation was an effort begun by President George Washington to connect the James River to the western rivers of the nation in order to transport goods. His dream ended there, a very long way from the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.
7) Cher is often described as outspoken. Ask her for her opinion on anything from politics to plastic surgery, and you will get a frank answer. Does "outspoken"  apply to you, as well?

A. I don't know. I suspect it might. Generally I try to think over what I am going to say before I say it, but if I'm upset or caught off guard, I might be outspoken.

8) In 1971, when this song was popular, Sears sold a portable manual typewriter. Described at the time as, "lightweight for travelers," it weighed 10 lbs. Today the average laptop weighs half that. Do you own a typewriter?

A. I do own a typewriter. It is a Brother electric typewriter and I bought it when we first married, so it is rather ancient. I haven't used it in years. I would love to have an IBM Selectric II, although I probably wouldn't use it so it would take up space. Those were the bomb in their time, though.
9) Random question -- Which has gotten you out of more scrapes: your smarts, or your charm?

A. I would like to say my smarts, but as a news reporter I frequently found acting helpless and stupid around men seemed to get me further than letting them know I was smarter than they ever thought about being. Some of the people I interviewed over the years were dumber than a bag of hammers, except for whatever it was I was interviewing them about. I guess I used charm. But maybe that makes me smart, knowing not to make the men upset so they'd answer my questions. I didn't do that with women, generally, although I'm sure there were times when I played stupid to get the quote I needed for a story. That's really an awful thing to admit to, isn't it? I didn't lie, I simply didn't let on that I already knew the answer to the question I was asking because I needed an answer in their words to use as a quote for the article.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. I enjoyed your answers today.
    I don't have my typewriter anymore.
    I will give an honest opinion if asked for it.
    Have a wonderful Saturday!

  2. I always felt sorry got all the canal builders. Like the Eire canal, the New Haven CT to Northampton Ma canal was all dug by hand. When they finished and put down their shovels these guys came up and said "Hey look what we just invented it is called a "Railroad."
    The New Haven - Northampton canal wasn't even finished when they started laying track along side of the canal.

  3. I learned to type on a Selectric. Loved those keys. So much so, in fact, I bought myself a mechanical keyboard for my computer. The keys are just like a selectric, with the little dip in the middle and that satisfying click. My typing is MUCH faster on that keyboard.

  4. Hall & Oates were favorites of mine. I almost went to see them in concert in 2019, I can't remember what kept me away.

  5. No, they don't have mass shootings. And it's not because all the good guys with guns know how to take out the bad guys with guns, either. This doesn't seem like such a hard code to crack, does it?

  6. I had a Selectric II until I got a computer. I loved it. It typed many, many theses for UC Davis students. Before that, when I worked, I had an IBM that had interchangeable keys (before the ball came along). It was actually better for typing physics because I could just change one or two keys to use symbols. with the Selectric, whenever I typed any math problem, I had to change the ball even if there was only one symbol in the problem.

  7. Hall and Oats are/were great!
    No, they don't have mass shootings. Sheesh.. The wild west mentality.
    My mother had a Selectric, one of the first ones made. We used to like to watch that little ball spin around when she typed.

  8. I read ahead to your post about your vaccine. I got my second dose of Moderna yesterday also. I have had no problems except a little bit of a sore arm, but still not as bad as the flu shot I got in the fall. I was very lucky. I hope you get to feeling better soon from everything...shot and sinus.
    I wondered why Hall & Oates came to my mind too. I haven't listened to them in a long time. Maybe it was the &. Sonny & Cher...Hall & Oates. Who knows. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.


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