Friday, April 23, 2021

The Shot

Yesterday, I received my second dose of the Moderna shot.

I went in knowing I was having sinus problems. My doctor in an email had said to get the shot so long as I wasn't running a fever, so I did.

So now I'm trying to recover from a shot that has my arm on fire and a sinus infection. I had a teledoc appointment with my PCP this morning. She gave me an antibiotic, something new that I've never had.

It's supposed to be easier on my stomach. My stomach is still not right from whatever upset it last winter.

The second shot going in did not hurt. The first shot hurt terribly. The second one I didn't feel at all, until after a few hours. Then my arm started aching, and now it aches and burns.

I am having chills, too. But I don't know if that's from the shot or the sinus infection.

It's a lot for a body to try to compensate for, I suspect.

In two weeks, though, I will be fully vaccinated and hopefully if I do catch Covid-19, it won't kill me.

A big thank you to my husband, who has gone after my antibiotic and is trying to take care of me while I am feeling bad.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I am fully vaccinated, I feel a sense of burden being lifted--a kind of lightness. I'm still not going places and don't want gatherings, but I feel lighter. And I did visit my parents for over three hours, our longest visit in over a year. It was so nice to see them! I hope you have no major complications.


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