Sunday, November 08, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. What’s something no one wants to hear but everyone should?

A. No human being is an island unto his or her self. We are all connected; each death diminishes us all. And we're all going to die.

2. What’s the most annoying animal you’ve ever encountered?

A. A skunk. It wasn't the skunk's fault. The dog went after the skunk in the dead of the night, and cornered the skunk on the front porch. The skunk sprayed everywhere. It was awful. I couldn't get the dog away so the skunk would leave, I couldn't shoot the skunk because it was backed into the corner on the porch. My husband was at the fire station. I called him and he said he would come home. As he was coming home, I turned the water hose on the dog and finally she moved away from the skunk. For years, the front porch smelled like skunk every time it rained. And yes, we cleaned it with everything we could think of, multiple times.

3. How much does language affect our thinking?

A. Some people are visual and think in pictures, while others think more in words. But I think the effect of language upon our psyches, from commercials to casual conversation, cannot be overstated.

4. Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or in the comfort of your home?

A. In the comfort of my own home at the moment.

5. What topic could you spend hours talking about?

A. Writing, music, books, religion, politics.

6. If you could run away from it all and start fresh somewhere new, would you?

A. I would give it serious consideration.

7. What’s the most polarizing question you could ask a group of friends?

A. What are your thoughts on a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body?

8. Do movies have the same power as books to change the world?

A. An Inconvenient Truth did a good job of changing some things, so probably.

9. What would you rate 10/10 ?

A. Van Gogh's Starry Night painting.

10. What are you really good at, but kind of embarrassed that you are good at it?

A. Coloring. Who'd have thought I'd be good at coloring?

11. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

A. Everyone. I always attempt kindness. I may not be successful, but I try.

12. What problems will technology solve in the next 5 years? What problems will it create?

A. I would like to see technology resolve issues with pancreatic cancer, perhaps better surgery techniques and MRIs, genetic testing or some other way to diagnosis it sooner. Generally this cancer is not caught until it is in its late stages. As for problems, I think that unless social media is regulated or otherwise controlled, that will continue to create individual bubbleheads who are incapable of understanding that people are multi-faceted and that there are many sides and solutions to various and sundry problems.

13. What from the present will withstand the test of time?

A. Amish wooden furniture.

14. What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?

A. I have no idea.

15. What is something common from your childhood that will seem strange to future generations?

A. A rotary dial phone. It already seems strange to current generations.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I enjoyed your answers. My grandpa died of pancreatic cancer.

  2. For me this was a difficult Sunday Stealing questions.
    I enjoyed your answers especially #15, I never thought of that.
    Have a good Sunday my friend.

  3. I have no idea what skunks smell like - and I don't want to know really (I've heard it is pretty awful).




  4. Starry Night--oh, how I love that painting. Going to the Van Gogh museum is one of the highlights of my life.

  5. There is a video on you tube of some kids given rotary dial phones and them trying to figure out how to use them. Very funny.

    I agree with you about democracy. For such a long time I felt we were losing it and that given four more years, it would be gone completely, but I think we have a chance to bring it back again.

  6. Starry Night--one of my favorite paintings. Not a huge Van Gogh fan, but that one sings to you.

  7. I am very up for #6. Will you run east or west? We are going to go north, to the border. I'm not sure I trust the future.
    I'm with Bev. We now have a chance to rebuild what Trump trampled and destroyed, as long as roughly half the population (the ones who voted for him and who is very well armed I'm told) doesn't decide to start a rumble. And I agree with you about An Inconvenient Truth. Do to the climate.. no pun intended.. in which it was received, it was easy to see the ones who needed to hear it were the very people who wouldn't heed it's lessons. Starry Night is a gorgeous thing. I also love his "Irises". It's at the Getty Museum; years ago, we went with the Rockhound group, and I bought a print of it.
    I leave you with a fractured saying, Think Global, Act Loco.

  8. #7 I still don’t understand why that is a political issue. Each woman should decide for themselves. Having said that, it’s not for me and the 2 women in my past who told me about their choices, they were very uncomfortable convos with them doing the talking and me just listening. The first had 2 abortions, just because it was inconvenient and didn’t fit into their lifestyle at the time. She came from money, so poverty wasn’t the issue. The other, had an affair with our creepy boss, and really should have been more responsible.
    #12 My Dad passed away from pancreatic cancer in 1990. From diagnosis to his death was very brief. It’s a cancer that’s difficult to catch early. Patrick Swayze died 20 months from his diagnosis. Alex Trebek, about the same. For my Dad it was about 2 months. Things have advanced quite a bit since then, and celebrities definitely can afford the best medical care money can buy.

  9. I have a print of Starry Night over my bed.

  10. I like your answers. Don’t know about others but you have always shown me nothing but kindness throughout the years, thank you. Can you imagine the Lord of The Rings Trilogy as a musical? Something to think about....


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