Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday Thirteen

I don't understand the issue with masks. All the restaurants and stores here say, "shirt and shoes" required and people don't pitch a fit. I don't see people marching around with their removable penises (aka guns) in front of stores because they have to have on a shirt and sandals.

This is weirding me out. I am hearing stories of people in my own community being accosted by people who want to spit on them. If someone spits on me, I'm having them arrested for assault and I suggest anyone who is spat upon do the same.

Sheesh. The world we live in. Totally nuts.

We have tons and tons of laws. Most of them we obey without even thinking about it because, you know, we live in a society where other people matter. Or we used to. I'm not so sure about that anymore.

Anyway, here are 13 laws we all live by and I don't even have to look them up.

1. We stop the car at red lights so the traffic in the other lanes can go. We take turns!

2. We stop at stop signs and even have an arrangement that we all learn in driving school (the person on the right goes first) so we don't all turn into each other and have a collision.

3. Women have to wear something to cover their breasts and pubic area. Men just have to cover their pubic areas, because apparently men are unable to control themselves when they see a naked breast or something, I don't know. But anyway, I don't see people running around with guns saying "I want to be naked when it 25 degrees outside!" Or if they are, someone locks them away.

4. I have to sign for Sudafed at the drugstore counter and show my driver's license.

5. You have to be over a certain age to buy liquor.

6. You can't join the Armed Forces until you're a certain age.

7. You can't work (legally) until you're a certain age. That is why we don't have 8-year-olds flipping hamburgers at McDonald's. Are there people out there who want 8-year-olds to be flipping hamburgers? I would hope not, but I bet there are.

8. We use the blinkers on our car so people know not to slam into the back of the vehicle when we're making a turn.

9. We have brake lights on the car! And they have to work or else you get rear-ended.

10. You can't conceal a gun and carry it on your person without a permit except in certain circumstances. I mean, I guess you can, but if you get caught, you're doing something illegal.

11. You can't carry certain kinds of knives on you, like a switchblade or a machete or something. You want to go walking around with a machete? (That's Virginia Code 18.2-308, which also pertains to #10 there. I did look up the actual Code.)

12. You have to have insurance on your vehicle or pay a fee if you don't.

13. I can't purchase many, many types of medication without a doctor's prescription.

The Virginia Code is thousands of pages long. Who knows how many federal laws there are on the books - probably millions. All of these are laws that we are to follow for the good of society. Wearing a mask in public is for the good of society. It is not about you. It's about the kid with asthma, the older man with a heart condition, the young child born with diabetes. It's about your mamma, your papa, your sister and your kid.

It is high time people wake up and realize that they are not the only ones in the world. You live with a billion others. And guess what. You're not #1. Nobody is.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list
here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 657th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. So many things are there to protect us. Yes, think of others.

  2. Great list. I think we need some better gun laws too. People who are in denial act so inconvenienced at the least thing.

  3. I'm thankful that I'm not one of them.

  4. In 7 eleven stores where I live, liquors are sold only at certain times of the day. I don't know if it's the same or not everywhere else.


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