Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Song Quiz Again

Join up with Kwizgiver if you want to play along and answer queries about songs.

A song that makes me happy is Uptown Funk, by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars because it has a great beat. It is one of those songs that makes me squirm around in my chair doing a butt dance.

A song that makes me said is Vincent, or Starry Night, by Don McLean. This song has always made me sad. Oddly, I was listening to Melissa Etheridge last Thursday singing Neil Diamond cover songs, and she sang and played Play Me, and I started to cry. I was surprised at my tears. She did a really great job with it to move me like that. I may have to learn Play Me. I don't know too many Neil Diamond songs. I already know how to play Starry Night.

I never get tired of hearing Landslide, by Fleetwood Mac, sung by Stevie Nicks. It is a lovely song. I think I actually prefer the version on The Dance album (which I think is the video I linked to) to the original.

A song from my preteen years that I still remember and sing would be The Night the Lights Went out In George, by Vickie Lawrence. It is a spooky song, really, and kind of scary. It left an impression. I could probably throw Ode to Billy Joe in there, too. I like songs that tell stories.


  1. Songs that tell a story....Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed, A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed......Lol!

  2. Oh, yes to The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia--that song was everywhere in my pre-teen years.

  3. I loved The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia! I don't know what it was/is about it, but I always thought it was so cool. As for spooky, yeah, a bit. My vote for spooky goes to The Legend of Wooley Swamp by Charlie Daniels.


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