Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. You can breathe underwater or be able to fly. Which one would you choose and why?

A. I used to think I'd want to fly, but after seeing Jason Mamoa in Aquaman, maybe being underwater wouldn't be so bad. Hubba Hubba!

2. What's your go to order at a café?

A. A chicken salad sandwich and water.

3. Where do you feel the safest?

A. In my house.

4. What is the one book or book series you could reread without getting bored for the rest of time?

A. The Lord of the Rings

5. You will receive ten million dollars, but you need to spend one million dollars in 24 hours to receive the other nine million tax free (and you can’t tell anyone what you’re doing). What do you spend it on?

A. 200 acres of farmland @ $50,000 an acre. That's $1 million gone right there.

6. What was your favorite vacation to date?

A. I'm still waiting on that to happen.

7. Is there any scent that reminds you of a specific memory? What is the scent and what does it remind you of?

A. Chocolate chip cookies always makes me think of my grandmother.

8. What is your favorite TV series? Do you have just one or more?

A. Right now I like Supergirl. I also like some of the occasional series on HBO. I'm watching His Dark Materials; it is quite good.

9. They say that in life you need to try everything. Are there things you will never try?

A. Yes. Some things are blatantly idiotic so there is no need to try them.

10. If I ask you to close your eyes and remember a picture of you, what do you see ?

A. A girl in blue jeans with long hair and glasses, in the 7th grade.

11. What was your childhood bedroom like?

A. I had a white bed set with a canopy for a while. And a bean bag. And beads hanging in the doorway, along with an "I Am Me" poster. That's actually my teenager bedroom, I suppose.

12. Are you a GoodWill, or any second hand store customer?

A. No. Generally those stores smell very musty and the dust makes me sick.

13. How do you feel about the death penalty?

A. I do not believe in the death penalty. However, I also don't believe in giving someone a life sentence to sit in a cell. I think prisoners should work.

14.  If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be?

A. At this point, I believe I need to go to Rivendell in Middle Earth and stay there a very long time.

15. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits & have you had any experiences with them?

A. There are things we don't know, and yes, I have had experiences with them. That is why I know we don't know.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Interesting comments. I believe that buying that farmland is a great idea!

  2. It's amazing -- with how much television I watch, that every time this question comes up, most of everybody's "favorites" are shows I've never heard of. Good idea for use of $1 million. I would never think of that, though buying a house in San Francisco would also work--a cheap house could be more than $1 million.

  3. Hmmm--I think I need to watch Aquaman.

  4. I changed the background color. Hopefully it will be easier to read.

  5. I'm with you! Jason Mamoa is the one thing that would get me in the ocean! LOL

  6. Now that I’ve been hearing so much about “Aquaman” I’m going to have to see what all the fuss is about.
    Never thought of farmland..It is a very good idea. 👍🏻 One little house in Santa Cruz would take it all, and then some.
    See you in Rivendell.

  7. I'd probably go the same route, buying a house with land that I can turn into a forest. Flying or breathing underwater? That is a tough one. I do like swimming with the fishies.


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