Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1) What is your favorite TV show (currently)?

A. Supergirl. I know, I know. But it's a good show. Lots of morality in the storyline, and it touches on many contemporary issues and concerns.

2) Would you like to be a child again?

A. Hell no.

3) Has anyone ever told you that school times were the best period of his/her life? Would you say that to someone? Why?

A. Yes, people have told me school was a good time of life. I think more people find that true of college than the lower grades, though. I would not say that school was the best time of my life. I have enjoyed adulthood more than childhood. Childhood was hard.

4) How's the weather?

A. Overcast, cold, and gray.

5) Do you like camping?

A. Not particularly. I haven't been since I was a child.

6) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

A. I think there are things that go on in this world that we have not yet learned to comprehend or understand, yes.

7) If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?

A. National Musical Day! And everywhere you went, people had to break out in song and dance. At the checkouts, in the office, etc. People would just sing and dance all day. For example, "Oh it's time now to write my blog! I must say, it looks like smog! Oh dear, I must say, that regulations should have been here to stay!" And then dance on top of the desk.

8) What word(s) do you dislike? Can you tell why?

A. Evil. I don't use this word and I don't like it. I think it is used incorrectly and should be reserved for only the most vile of actions, like hacking someone to pieces and eating them or something. Stealing isn't evil, for example. It's just wrong.

9) What color do you dislike? What do you associate with it?

A. I am not a fan of orange. It makes me look horrid, for one thing. I associate it with Halloween, but I like Halloween.

10) Do you believe in otherworldly creatures, eg. ghosts, etc.?

A. Isn't that the same as question #6? Same answer.

11) Pick two of your favourite fictional characters. Where are they from (what movie, book, etc?) and why are they your favorite?

A. Aragorn, from Lord of the Rings. He embodies good, strength, and virtue. Kinsey Milhone from Sue Grafton's Alphabet mysteries series. She embodies curiosity, inquisitiveness, and female power.

12) If you could change anything or add anything to your body would you? (this can be interpreted however, but, think, would you like to have fins or extra hands?)

A. I'd be thin and not fat and I'd make the sick parts healthy. I'm not interested in interchangeable body parts.

13) What are some family traditions you have/had growing up? Do you still continue them, if yes, why, if no, why not?

A. We always went to my grandmother's for the holidays. We stopped doing that after we became adults. My mother still went, but I had in-laws and such after I married.

14) What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?

A. I don't think about tattoos very often, but to each his/her own. I do not have any.

15)  What is the most disgusting habit some people have?

A. Smoking. I think that is a horrible habit because it forces itself upon other people (who must inhale the smoke if they're nearby).

16)  If you could bring back one TV show that was cancelled, which would it be?

A. Cagney and Lacey.

17) What was the most unsettling film you have ever seen?

A. A Clockwork Orange is tied with Rosemary's Baby.

18) What book has impacted you the most?

A. The Chicago Manual of Style. (Wasn't expecting that one, were you?), Becoming a Writer, by Dorothea Brande, and If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland.

19) You're on Death Row and get one final meal: What is that meal and why do you choose it?

A. Chocolate cake, brownies, chocolate covered cherries, chocolate pudding, and a cherry. Why not? I'm going to be dead soon anyway. My triglyceride levels won't matter anymore.

20) What is the first profession you remember wanting to become as a child?

A. I wanted to be a geologist or an archeologist at one time, I think before I knew that writing was a profession. I collected rocks for a while but lost interest after I socked a pile of them away in a hole near the creek and then could never find them again. Somewhere there is a pile of quartz rock, if the water didn't wash it away.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I'm with you on Clockwork Orange. I never want to see it again.

  2. I want to celebrate Music day!!

    For a brief moment in college I considered being an archaeologist until I figured out how totally boring that must be! I'm much too "instant gratification" to spend days brushing rocks with brushes hoping to find a hint of something. But I have incredible admiration for those who do!

  3. I'd add the AP Source Book to your list of books. I learned more from that one semester with that book than from any other English or writing course.

  4. Let’s write Congress to establish a National Music Day! Hurray! What a great idea!
    We just watched a documentary last night about the music colony in Laurel Canyon. It was very interesting indeed. I mention it because I thought you might also like it.
    It’s interesting that you thought about studying geology. You live in a very complex geological area. I still wish I’d been able to finish my major in geology. I’ve never been more interested in any science, ever again.

    in geology. It’s fascinating. A beautiful science.

  5. I'm definitely celebrate a National Music Day. I wonder how you'd get one established. After all, there's a National Peanut Butter Day.
    I'm glad Sue Grafton's family don't want to find a ghostwriter to do a Z volume. Have you read any of the Sharon McCone series by Marcia Muller? I think of Sharon and Kinsey as colleagues.

  6. I like Supergirl too (apart from the mushiness and the "problems" they all have emotionally).

    But I love the stories and the action.

    P.S. Don't tell anyone.





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