Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday 9: Judy Garland

Saturday 9: Judy Garland

Today's meme is a list of Judy Garland songs that she sang at Carnegie Hall.

Song #1: "When You're Smiling." What made you smile this week?

A. The Cella's chocolate covered cherries are on the shelves at the stores. Yay.

Song #2: "Almost Like Being in Love." We've all had many crushes, but love is rare. How many times have you fallen in love?

A. Just once for the go-get married kind of love. That said, I love a lot of people. My brother, my father, my mother-in-law and other in-laws, my niece and nephews, and a multitude of friends.

Song #3: "This Can't Be Love." This Rodgers and Hart song was introduced in the play, The Boys from Syracuse. Syracuse is the county seat of Onondaga County, NY. What county do you hail from?

A. Botetourt. Our county seat is Fincastle.

Song #4: "Do It Again." What's something you'd do again, if only you had the time or money? (A book you'd like to reread, a recipe or pattern you'd like to make again, a vacation destination you'd like to revisit, etc.)

A. I am watching His Dark Materials on HBO; I read the books about 15 years ago. I would like to reread them. I also would like a very long vacation to someplace I've never been. Maybe to Texas to spend time with my aunt or something, I don't know.

Song #5: "You Go to My Head." Judy forgets the lyrics, but gamely keeps going. Tell us about a recent moment when you chose to keep going, no matter what.

A. When the doctors told me my belly was full of scar tissue, and that it had invaded my abdominal muscles creating a constant pain loop of cramping, my options were to stay in bed all the time or try to work the scar tissue out. I chose the latter and have been in physical therapy off and on now for six years, trying to keep moving. Some days are harder than others. It's pretty much a choice every day as to whether I get up or not. I almost always get up, but it's still a choice.

Song #6: "Alone Together." Is anyone there with you as you answer these questions, or are you alone?

A. I'm alone in the room, but my husband and his helper are on the roof putting sealant on the chimney in hopes of keeping it from leaking while husband is home recuperating from his surgery that is scheduled for late next week (may the Force be with me).

Song #7: "Who Cares?" This song was written by brothers George and Ira Gershwin. They had a lesser known brother, stockbroker Arthur. Are you more creative and artistic, like George and Ira? Or more analytical and methodical, like Arthur?

A. I tend to be a combination, I think, although I lean toward creative. However, I can also analyze a situation and sum it up well. That is what made me a good reporter, lo those many years ago.

Song #8: "Puttin' on the Ritz." Judy sings that The Ritz is the place in New York "where fashion sits." If we wanted to see everyone "all gussied up" in your town, where would we go?

A. Hotel Roanoke, I suppose, when they were having some kind of event. This is not exactly a tuxedo kind of town. I know the upper crust have symphonies and things are the art museum and a few other places, but little ol' people like me don't attend those, generally.

Song #9: "How Long Has This Been Going On?" Judy sings about discovering how glorious romance can be. Have you made any new discoveries lately? It doesn't have to be as groundbreaking as Judy's. A new podcast or a faster route to work counts, too.

A. I have discovered that I really like the electric guitar better than the acoustic for a lot of songs and for practicing. For a long time I couldn't lift my electric guitar and then back in September I found a lightweight one and purchased it, and while it is still heavier than my small acoustic, I can manage it.

If you're wondering why there are no Garland hits here . . . these are her first numbers in the order that she performed them. She saved her better-known songs for the end of concert. Who am I to second guess Judy?
I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. #9 -- I can see the headlines now: COUNTRY DEW GOES ELECTRIC!

  2. I need to check out Hotel Roanoke. I have never been there, but it sounds interesting to say the least! I hope you will take time to stop by my Saturday 9 post as well.

  3. I started physical therapy for my back a couple of weeks ago and it seems to be working.

  4. Oh the chocolate covered cherries. My mom loves them.
    Oh my goodness!! I am laughing at Gal's comment up there ...Country Dew goes Electric....hahahaha I am glad you have made it work with the guitar. I am so sorry you are living with pain. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. I like the Cella cherries--I forget about them though. Sending good wishes to you during your husband's operation and recuperation. I hope it goes smoothly for both of you.

  6. Good for you for taking charge of life and working through the pain. Not sure what I'd do in a similar situation.

  7. Cellas! They were my mother's favorites. She always gave us a smile when she saw what we got for her.
    Wonderful about the newer, lighter 'lectric!
    You are now, officially, a member of the Broken Body Buddies (the BBB) of the Old Sewingworld site.
    There's a world of people who care about you, and they care ALL the time. You are ever in our thoughts.


Thank you for dropping by! I appreciate comments and love to hear from others. I appreciate your time and responses.