Sunday, November 03, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. All things pumpkin are everywhere. What is your one very favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink?  Do you wish it was available all year or do you only want it in the fall?

A. I don't like it any time of the year. Blech.

2. What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?

A. Chocolate.

3. What is the most interesting thing you have seen online this week?

A. I read an article about tree rings.

4. Is it better to be a "big fish in a small pond" or a "small fish in a big pond"?

A. I don't want to be in a pond, period.

5. Do you play chess?  Are you good at it?

A. I know how to play chess. I haven't played in years. I doubt I am able to play well at all.

6. Tell us something random about your week.

A. People came and cut down trees. They made a lot of noise.

7. What is your favorite Frank Sinatra song?

A. I don't have one. I can't even think of one. Did he do Strangers in the Night?

8. Has your state approved the sale of medical marijuana?  In a nutshell, what are your thoughts on the subject?

A. No, my state has not approved the sale of medical marijuana although there are tons of products with "CDB" or something in them that claim to cure everything from an abscess to zebra stripes. I think marijuana should be legal regardless of reason. It's no worse than alcohol. I know there are people who will argue that point, but honestly, I know plenty of boozers who should be in jail and aren't.

9. Einstein’s Theory of Happiness is: “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.” Was Einstein right?

A. Yes.

10. Do you enjoy fresh peaches? What is your favorite way to use them in a recipe?

A. I am not overly fond of peaches. They're ok in a cobbler. My husband loves them. He likes to eat them with cottage cheese.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I see you found the questions, too. I am beginning to agree about marijuana. Perhaps we'd cut down on crime by legalizing it and punishing those who commit crimes under the influence. I don't know. I live in PA right along one of the major drug corridors and we are pretty much at the epicenter of the opioid crisis. It's hard to think kindly of any mind-altering substance. That said, we are of the generation that grew up fairly familiar with pot. Even if we don't use it, we most likely know many who do and most of them are completely normal and productive. There really aren't any easy answers, are there?

  2. I would have to stock up on chocolate as well. I can't imagine life without it. I don't really see why we need to legalize marijuana as it has been illegal this long, but I also think we need to concentrate on the opioid crisis before we worry about making something else legal or illegal.

  3. Yes, Sinatra did Strangers in the Night.


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