Saturday, July 06, 2019

Saturday 9: America the Beautiful

Saturday 9

1) In 2016, a group recommended that this week's song replace "The Star Spangled Banner" as our national anthem. They maintain it's just as beautiful but easier to sing. How do you feel about this?

A. I think it would be a good choice. The Star Spangled Banner is (a) hard to sing and (b) about a war. I think America the Beautiful would be a much nicer anthem.

2) Katharine L. Bates said her lyrics were inspired by a trip to Pike's Peak. What's the most beautiful American spot you've ever visited?

A. Honestly, I think where I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains is one of the most beautiful spots in the country. The Grand Canyon has a lovely vista, though.

3) The music was written by organist Samuel Augustus Ward. Both Bates and Ward were very formal when signing their names professionally -- she including her middle initial and he with his full middle name. How about you? When you sign checks or documents, do you use your middle name or initial?

A. I use a middle initial.

4) In 1945, when this version of the song was recorded, America lost Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Frank Sinatra said, "I lost a hero." What late, great American hero from our past would you like to honor today?

A. Let's go with John Glenn. It's hard to beat walking on orbiting the earth. flying around the moon.

5) Also in 1945, a 19-year-old "hoofer" waited outside the Los Angeles radio station where Sinatra was being interviewed. That was the beginning of the friendship between Sammy Davis, Jr., and Frank Sinatra. Tell us about your oldest friend.

A. My oldest friend is Leslie. She is 12 years older than I am although I only remember that when we have birthdays. We've been friends for 36 years. I met her when I went to work in a law office. She is very intelligent, well-read, and one of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. We have interesting discussions about spirituality, life, politics, etc. - we're on the same pages on these things, mostly, so they are informational gathering talks, really. She's a beautiful person.

6) The Fourth of July means we're in the middle of summer. Are you careful about applying sunscreen?

A. No. Most if it irritates my skin and I don't go out much anyway.

7) Mosquito bites can be a major summer annoyance. Are you scratching any itches right now?

A. I am not.

8) Emergency rooms report an increase in wrist injuries in summer, with people falling off bikes and skateboards and jamming their wrists catching hard-hit softballs. Have you  been to the ER or Urgent Care during 2019?

A. Not so far. Knock wood.

9) New York is home to Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest every year on the 4th. Will hot dogs be consumed in your household this weekend?

A. Probably not. They give both of us indigestion anymore. Getting old kind of sucks that way.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. We have been in the Blue Ridge Mountains several time, and I must agree with you on its beauty. We camped once many years ago along the Blue Ridge Parkway and the early morning vistas were amazing. Yes, getting old is not for the faint of heart.

  2. We have been in the Blue Ridge Mountains several time, and I must agree with you on its beauty. We camped once many years ago along the Blue Ridge Parkway and the early morning vistas were amazing. Yes, getting old is not for the faint of heart.

  3. I agree on #9.. I love a good hot dog.. but dang if they don't come back to haunt me! Have a great Saturday!

  4. Virginia is a gorgeous state--from the beaches to the mountains.

  5. One of these days I'm going to get back to see those Blue Ridge Mountains.

  6. There is just something about mountains that gets me. I love them. One of these days, I am going to get that cabin in the mountains vacation I have always wanted.
    I like your John Glenn answer! Good one! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  7. I have to agree with your answer on #9. I turn 69 Monday and will really be reveling because the next year will really put a damper on my style!!!

  8. Virginia is a beautiful state that's for sure. It has it all too.. ocean to mountains.

  9. I hate to be a stickler, but John Glenn never walked on the moon. He orbited, he water skiied with Jackie, he served as Senator, and he gave us Annie Glenn, but he never walked on the moon. (He was one of my heroes, too!)

    1. Nope, you're right and I appreciate the correction. That's what happens when I am not paying attention. I fixed it.


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