Sunday, July 07, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?

A. It's a little stressful and my health is not the best - I would love to change the latter in particular but the lure of processed foods has me in thrall to snacky cakes and chocolate.

2. Do you drink enough water?

A. I think so.

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?

A. I honestly cannot remember. It has been years.

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

A. I live in the mountains. I visit the beach and miss the mountains when I am there.

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?

A. I am usually in pain until my medications kick in. Then I'm okay. A shower helps, too.

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?

A. I'm old and married. This question doesn't apply.

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?

A. Can't remember this, either. Maybe in the early 2000s, when I went to Hotel Roanoke for a Virginia Press Association banquet because I'd won an award?

8. Vodka or wine?

A. Neither. I don't drink alcohol.

9. How often do you cry?

A. Probably not often enough.

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher?

A. Yes.

11. Can you wire a plug?

A. I guess not. I presume this is talking about spark plugs on cars, but cars these days require so much computerized work that I would not dare try to do more than check the oil.

12. Do you wear socks to bed?

A. Not very often. If I have a cough I sometimes put Vick's Vapor Rub on my feet and put socks on then.

13. What is currently bugging you?

A. A project I'm working on, the lack of civility I see online, my inability to get out of my own way.

15. Can you change a car tire?

A. If I must, yes. I learned how to do routine maintenance and tire changing when I was young. Fortunately I have a husband who checks the car now and when I did have a break down (pre-cellphone days), my mother drove by and stopped.

16. Have you met more than ten celebrities?

A. Are we counting politicians? If we're counting politicians I am close. If not, then no.

17. Do you sleep naked?

A. Good grief. I do not, but this is very crass question.

18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended?

A. Probably Elton John when he played here in the 1990s. It was him and his piano, no band. Although I also saw Linda Ronstadt and enjoyed that show in the 1980s.

19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow on line?

A. No.

20. Who is someone who has changed your life positively?

A. My husband. Also many of my teachers at high school and several of my professors at college. Oh how I miss being on a college campus.

21. Favorite city?

A. I don't like cities.

22. Can you drive?

A. Yes. I've been driving since I was 12.

22. Cigarettes or alcohol?

A. I don't do either.

23. Favorite and least favorite accents?

A. I like English accents. I don't have a least favorite one.

24. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?

A. Yes.

25. Do you like 1980s fashion?

A. Big hair! Not that! I like flared jeans but that might be a 70s thing, I don't know.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I felt the same way about the plug question. I did not even know how to answer it.
    I do not really like cities either. I lived in the city when I was young and got it out of my system. I now live in the country where it is nice and quiet. Except today....someone is playing loud music somewhere and I can hear it.
    OH MY GOSH! Elton John would be the most wonderful concert!!!! Glad you got to go. I love him! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  2. I live in a city but I like the country too - though in England the open spaces are nowhere near as vast as they are on your side of the pond.

    Elton John - that would be an interesting concert but I think I would only be interested if he played his older more rocky stuff.




  3. I can't think of one redeeming quality about 80's fashion.. and yes, the hair immediately came to mind!!

  4. A lack of civility...that is one major bug!

  5. Does the Vicks/socks thing work? I have coughs so often, that would be a good thing to try

    I was out of town for this Sunday Stealing, so I made up for it today, if you're interested:


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