Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. Today is the last day of the month of this new year. So now this is an old year, and we're heading down the stretch toward its end. Christmas is just 10 months and 25 days away (or something like that).

2. My sinuses and ears are bothering me; I'm off to the doctor. To be an old woman, I certainly get a lot of ear infections. I thought those were for kids!

3. Maybe since I'm like a kid in many ways, I should eat Trix. (Trix are for kids!)

4. Instead, I eat yogurt, or eggs, or sometimes a Luna bar for breakfast. I don't eat cereal because I don't drink milk. I probably shouldn't eat the yogurt, either, but it doesn't seem to bother me and I really want a healthy internal flora in my gut.

5. Leaky gut syndrome is not something I think a lot of physicians acknowledge, but I'm pretty sure  have it, and have most of my life.

6. Other things I've had all of my life include allergies, a propensity toward the glass is half-empty view of life, and the notion that I am reincarnated.

7. The reincarnation thing goes back as far as my words, because when I first started to speak I began telling my mother how I lived in a big ol' castle and was killed and buried in Scotland. My mother was so horrified she made me stop telling the story. I don't remember it but she told me about it later.

8. Out

9. of

10. time

11. off

12. to

13. doctor


  1. my girlfriend is also suffering from leaky gut -not many answers at times

  2. Love those last few! I had a memory of a castle life that just popped in my knowing when I was a girl. My son spoke of living in a castle and a King when he was 3 or 4. I felt very grown up when I went to the dentist yesterday and had no cavities. I hope you feel better.

  3. I wonder if the pharmaceutical and corporate agriculture and food industries are in cahoots to compromise our bodies so that we need one or more of those magic pills being advertised on TV. I hope the doctor gives you a satisfactory treatment.
    I think there's something to reincarnation. Years ago a spiritual card reader said that this was the second time Mama and me were mother-daughter. During our first time, I died when I was a child. Poor Mama. If we meet again in such a relationship in another life, I hope I'm a less handful for her. I'd also like to meet the Husband sooner.

  4. Hope you're feeling much better soon--sinuses are a major hassle.


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