Wednesday, January 30, 2019

End in Sight

I'm sitting here with my home in total disarray. The bedroom is in the living room and parts of the living room are everywhere.

The bedroom is getting new flooring today.

Bedroom drawers in the living room.

Parts of the living room in the kitchen.

This is home renovation at its finest. Even here in my office, my most sacred space, I have piles of items around me, things that belong elsewhere. No free space has been spared of a drawer or box.

Stuff in my office. Yikes!

My house hasn't been this wrecked in years. I guess the last time would have been 2005, when we put down the carpet we are now ridding ourselves of in favor of hardwood flooring.

I have been trying to work on our taxes but it is very hard to think with all of this going on. This morning I went through dresser drawers in the living room, filling a nice big box for donations and another with trash. I threw away every pair of panty hose I own. I have no plans to ever put on a pair again. I always hated those things.

Anyway, the work continues. I'm still here. I know I am privileged to be able to do this, to update my home a bit. We're trying to make it easy for the next 20 years, because we both plan to die here. So we've put handrails in the showers, we're making the floor care easier, and I'm tossing out items whilst we are in the midst of this.

All is good. Just very, very tiring.

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