Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Floor Saga Continues

So now we come once again to flooring.

My parquet floors in August had to be replaced because of a dishwasher malfunction.

In early October, men came and put in tile.

It was a horrible, awful job, although initially we thought it was ok. You can't really tell until it's done, after all, because you can't walk on it and stuff is wet and you think it going to dry a different color.

However, after they were through we realized that the grout changed color halfway through, the tiles are not lined up straight, and they are not flat. You can trip over this floor without even thinking about it.

After much back and forth with the flooring company, they have agreed to replace the tile floor. This entails jackhammers and sledge hammers and other equipment that I don't even want to think about being in my home.

I am leaving as soon as they arrive, and leaving this part to my husband to supervise.

As it is, we've had to remove everything not just in the kitchen but also in the living room, because of the anticipated dust that we have been told this will create. That is also another reason for me to leave, as I have asthma.

Here is what my house looks like now:

We need some help with the cabinets; the tile men will have to help us move some things.

Yep, my refrigerator is in my living room.

This has been very stressful. The tile does not look bad to just look at it, but it is wavy and a nightmare to walk on. My husband was determined it was going to be made right, and so hopefully it shall be.

The new tile installer is a "certified tile installer," which is supposed to mean something. Anyway, the flooring people took this fellow's word that the job was poor. They initially brought him out to prove it was "acceptably poor" but he said it wasn't and it all needed to come up. That was when they finally agreed to pay to replace it.

I will be out all day and I'm not really well enough to be out for long periods. Fortunately I will be able to meet a friend for lunch, so that will be a nice long break.

Wish me luck, with all of it.


  1. Hope all goes well with the re-tiling. I'm glad that you don't have to pay for it being redone. I would do the same thing -- disappear until the job is done.

  2. I hope you will finally get everything fixed the way it should have been in the first place. Getting people to do a good job and take pride in their work is sometimes hard to find. Fingers crossed for success this time around!


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