Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thursday Thirteen

1. The holidays aren't over until you say they are, a friend told me. Are your holidays over?

2. We have had more rain in my area than ever. We've broken records. The year isn't over yet and more rain is on the way.

3. The over abundance of rainy days made it difficult to get the hay up this past year, and makes it hard to feed the cattle now because of the mud.

4. Once I walked around Roanoke City in the rain just to be able to say I'd experienced a city in the rain. I did not find it poetic or thrilling. Just wet.

5. I am not a fan of cities anyway. They smell funny and they are full of people. I like people but only in small doses.

6. With drone delivery and the new way to pick up your food without leaving your car, I wonder if we will see the end of people going out of their homes at all. Will the day come when a drone delivers bread and milk before the snow?

7. I have not been a corporate worker for ages and ages (more like next to never). I don't understand the lingo or how they function, exactly, so I don't have a feel for how long people will have jobs in big companies.

8. The largest company I ever worked for was a large law firm, and I suspect law is different from something like Exxon or IBM or Microsoft. But maybe not.

9. I have an office in my home, where I have worked for 25 years. Every now and then I have to stop what I am doing and clean it up. I'm a piler, not a filer, but I like to have things neat before I start a new project.

10. My next project will be to finish the accounting up for the year and work on the taxes. Yippee. With the changes in the tax law, I have no idea what will need to be done, really. Fortunately I have an accountant, and I can hand her everything like I did last year and she can sort it out.

11. I read this morning that #45 told the troops he visited they were receiving a 10% pay raise but the Pentagon said the raise wasn't that large (it's 2.6%) nor was it true that soldiers had not received a pay raise in 10 years (they have received a small pay raise every year). #45 also said during the campaign that the regular ol' people were getting some kind of payback or tax cut or something, which did not happen. Why can't people tell the truth? Why make something up? Why not offer up facts instead of making yourself look bad?

12. People who lie a lot ultimately end up being caught because there is no way to keep all of those webs they've spun around themselves straight. Eventually someone will trip on a thread and it will all unravel, and the facts will spill out. Then everyone knows you're a liar, and liars are not trustworthy people. I'm talking about big lies, not telling someone they look fine when they are dressed poorly. Sometimes you have to lie to be nice, but that is different from lying to make yourself look good.

13. I wonder what would happen if we all took the word "truth" as our personal word for 2019. What truths do we need to learn? What truths do we need to acknowledge? What truths do we need to understand in order to make effective change? What is your personal truth? Is the story you have told yourself about your life actually the truth? What is truth, anyway? Is my first statement in this strange line of thinking true?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 584thd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. OH, so that explains it, I'm a piler not a filer too. Truth for 2019!

  2. I admire people who have the integerty not to lie. If I had a dollar for every lie I was told just this pat year I would be a very rich woman. I’m not gullible like people think because I don’t accuse the person of lying or call them out on it. Given enough rope they will hang themselves. I’m very forgiving with the people I care most about. . That said, I also know there comes a time where the liar believes their own lies and sadly they believe they lie for the “ greater good” The truth will hurts but never more than a lie. The truth carries no expectation and the lie does. Sadly a person who lies hurts themselves more than anyone .They will always feel their life is a mess because of the lies they tell and the stories they make up and have to keep up with, whom they told what to and what they did or did not do etc. Some people have lied so much and for so long they see no difference between the truth and a lie, It is what it is and they are what they choose to be ... a liar.


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