Saturday, October 27, 2018

Saturdy 9: Alfred Hitchcock

Saturday 9: "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Theme

This week's song was chosen because this is the last Saturday 9 before Halloween. Are you unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was born in England. Name another pop culture contribution England has made.

A. Elton John.

2) This week's song is recognized as the theme to Hitchcock's long-running TV show, but "Funeral March for a Marionnette" is a classic piece written for piano in the late 1870s by Charles Gounod. Do you often listen to classical music?

A. Sometimes at night I do before I go to sleep.

3) Janet Leigh's shower scene in  Hitchcock's Psycho is considered one of the scariest sequences ever filmed. What's the most frightening movie you've ever seen?

A. When I was young I saw Amityville Horror (the 1979 version) and that scarred me for life, I think. I also saw The ShiningRosemary's Baby, The Exorcist and similar movies. I stopped watching horror when I was about 17. Life is scary enough.

4) Hitchcock admitted that he "never trusted birds," and he took that fear and turned it into the movie, The Birds. Is there a member of the animal kingdom that just gives you "the creeps?"

A. Spiders and snakes.

5) Halloween will soon be upon us. Will you carve a jack o'lantern this year?

A. No.

6) What candy will trick or treaters get at your house?

A. I never have trick or treaters, but I usually purchase a bag of Smarties because they're not chocolate, they're (relatively) low in calories, and I will eat them.

7)  When you went trick or treating, did you prefer fantasy costumes (like a storybook character) or scary ones (like a monster)?

A. I think I usually went as a tramp.

8) Which candy was your favorite? Which one were you disappointed to find in your trick or treat bag?

A. I'm not a fan of candy corn.

9) Which do you find scarier -- cemeteries or haunted houses?

A. Haunted houses.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. I just saw a local news segment on Elton John. He's playing to sold out crowds at Chicago's United Center this weekend as part of his farewell tour. After 40+ years, he deserves a victory lap, doesn't he?

  2. I totally forgot about Amityville Horror and Rosemary's Baby! They were scary. Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. I am with you on spiders and snakes! Oh my word! They give me the creeps so bad.
    Amityville Horror scared me to death too. I do not watch scary movies anymore. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!

  4. The scary movies of the 70s scarred me for life, too. These slasher/gore movies now are too reliant on special effects to scare me, but something like the Exorcist, The Shining, or Amityville--yikes!!!!!

  5. I've never watched the Amityville Horror because the summer I was 14 I got my hands on the book and read it. I had nightmares for weeks! You still couldn't make me watch it. I am in complete agreement about scary is scary enough!

  6. I couldn't think of Elton John's name!

  7. Life is definitely scary, but I still like horror movies. And I forgot about "Rosemary's Baby" -- one of my favorites!

  8. I don't like scary movies and you will see why when you read my Saturday 9.

  9. I supplemented my supply with Smarties the other day. They are useful later on if they don't get passed out on Halloween.


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