Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. How has your life most benefited from the Internet? Whether it’s meeting people, cutting business overhead, finding rare collectibles, or simply sharing funny cat pictures, share how the web has made life easier.

A. It gives me instant access to education and made it easier for me to do my freelance work.

2. The getaway car is waiting outside – where is it taking you?

A. The Ponderosa.

3. Do you reply to comments on your blog? All of them? Or just the really interesting ones?  Do you go back to check if the authors or the blogs you comment on reply to your comments?

A. I am afraid I don't reply to comments on my blog with regular frequency. I also do not go back to see if authors have commented on my comments, unless it is a topic I have great interest in. I value all of my readers and every blog writer I read, but I forget to go back so unless it's a heady topic I don't remember.

4. On average, how long does it take you to make an important decision?

A. Depends on what it is. Emergency appendectomy versus blessing out my insurance company are two very different decisions.

5. Do you gather a lot of information prior to making the decision, or do you go with your gut in the heat of the moment?

A. I try to gather a lot of information, even for emergency surgeries.

6. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned recently?

A. Everyone should know what their insurance policies cover and what happens when you file a claim. While your claims adjuster and insurance agent should be assets to you when you need information, that is not always the case. Additionally, like most industries, insurance companies have their own acronyms and code words. Don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand.

7. What’s your hidden talent? Are you double-jointed? Can you sneeze the alphabet? Share your unique skill.

A. I have many skills, including the ability to quote Xena: Warrior Princess saying, "I have many skills."

8. Rate the level of intensity you have about wanting to know God – no desire, low priority, curious, great desire, high priority, desperate to learn more. Explain your answer.

A. I don't define god the way most Christians do, so I am not sure how to answer this. I see the infinite in everything and the infinite to me is sacred. Therefore everything is sacred and the search for knowledge of everything encompasses my religion.

9. What’s one of your nicknames?  How did you get that nickname?

A. My husband calls me Sweetie Pie. I have no idea why.

10. What do you have to have with you when you travel? Why?

A. My medication, because without them my blood pressure would go zoom! Also my eyeglasses so I could see.

11. What do you think about reading books on an electronic reading device? Do you have an electronic reading device? Do you love it? Why? If you don’t love it, why not?

A. I read books on a Kindle as well as on my iPhone, but I prefer real books. E-books are handy when you're at the doctor's office or waiting somewhere, but for a long reading session, I want a real book in my hands. I like the feel of it, the weight of it, the action of turning pages. A book is like a little lover whose words are softly tickling your fancy. I don't get the same notions from e-books.

12. Do you prefer writing on paper or a keyboard? Why?

A. I do both, but I write more on a keyboard because I can delete and edit. But if I am in need of deep thoughts, I write longhand. I also generally write poetry in longhand.

13. If the shoes make the man (or woman), what do your shoes say about you right now? (Assuming you’re wearing shoes. Although if you’re not, that certainly says something, too.)

A. My shoes say I am a bit careless, because they are always scuffed even though they're leather sneakers. They say I won't hesitate to spend money on a good pair of shoes because these are expensive sneakers I need because of issues with my feet (I wear custom orthotics and these are the only shoes that fit them.). They also say I walk around a lot because they are showing wear on the bottoms even though I bought them in June. (I average 2 miles a day according to my Fitbit.)

14. Describe your favorite pair of shoes.

A. That would be the sneakers I have on and just described. They are white leather shoes, wide width, with laces. They are Apex shoes and I recommend them to anyone who needs a stiff sole in their shoe.

15. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?

A. I would like to have the ability to move through time.

BONUS:  When they "cool sculpt" your body, where does the fat go?

A. That's what Cool Whip is made of. I thought everyone knew that.

I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Love your description of reading a “real” book. It is splendidly accurate and sometimes depending on the book it it like sharing wonderful experiences and stories with a good, close friend....Good bonus answer!!

  2. I enjoy reading on my Nook--the side lighting is easy on my eyes and I can adjust the font as necessary. But there's something about a book...

  3. Xena would be very proud of you.
    #8. Exactly...
    I will never EVER have any cool whip again...

  4. I just love to hold a book in my hands and your description is spot on! I love it. I enjoyed your answers! Have a great day!

  5. Ach!! Glasses. I can't believe I didn't think of that. I can't go anywhere without them since I'm practically blind as a bat.
    Loved the description of reading a real book. Even if I'm not reading it, I love holding a book, feeling it, and smelling it's pages whether it's freshly printed or old and musty.

  6. I am never eting cool whip again!

    BTW, comments don't appear on my blog until I approve them (not my choice). I think you posted your comment five times, and I deleted four of them.

  7. Guess I could actually travel without my glasses -- I just wouldn't be able to see much of anything.

    Loved your cool sculpting answer -- I always wondered how they made Cool Whip!


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