Saturday, August 25, 2018

Saturday 9: Think

Think (1968)
Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

In fond remembrance of The Queen of Soul (1942-2018). Farewell, Aretha Franklin.

1) As befits one of America's premiere artists, Aretha Franklin sang at three Presidential inaugurations. The first was Jimmy Carter's in 1977, when she sang "God Bless America." What's your favorite patriotic song?

A. America the Beautiful

2) The daughter of a Baptist minister, Aretha grew up with church music. She told Rolling Stone one of her favorite songs was the hymn, "Victory Is Mine." What's your favorite religious song?

A. Amazing Grace

3) She welled up a bit when President George H. W. Bush presented her with the nation's highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005. When is the last time you shed a tear?

A. This is going to sound weird, but I was in the car at the stoplight earlier this week, and the song "This is my fight song" came on the radio. I had this sudden image cross my mind of Hillary Clinton appearing on TV, breaking the imaginary glass ceiling, and I started to cry, right there in the car.

4) In 1980, the Queen of Soul sang for the Queen of England in a Command Performance at The Royal Albert Hall. Have you ever been to London?

A. A plane I was on stopped at Heathrow on its way to Spain. Otherwise, no.

5) Since Aretha had many honorary degrees, it would have been appropriate to refer to her as Dr. Franklin. Who is the last person you referred to by his or her title (Officer, Father, Sgt., Dr., etc.)?

A. My chiropractor.

6)  In this week's song, Aretha tells her lover that it doesn't take a high IQ to understand what's going on in their relationship. Do you know your IQ?

A. Haven't a clue. I was told a long time ago in school that it was above average but I have no idea of the score.

7) A sculpture of Aretha is on display at Madame Tussaud's in New York. Do you think wax museums are cool, or creepy?

A. I think it depends on the museum and the subject matter.

8) Aretha and Motown legend Smokey Robinson were literally lifelong friends, since they were playground buddies in Detroit. Smokey is one of the only people who can claim to have seen The Queen of Soul with a bucket in a sandbox. If we went to the playground today, would you head for the swings, the slide or the jungle gym? Or, like Aretha, would you play in the sand?

A. I'd go for the carousel, though I don't think they have those at playgrounds anymore. My second choice would be the swing.

9) Random question: Do you like pumpkin seeds?

A. They turn into pumpkins if you plant them, so sure.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. I've done that in the car over something in a song that sparked a memory or train of thought. We're female. It happens.

  2. Oh, I miss the carousel!

    I agree with Stacy. Tears can creep up at the weirdest times. I recall one day starting to cry a bit, looking at my tray in the cafeteria line. (And no, it wasn't the food!)

  3. I don't think they have carousel anymore. I remember we used to spin it as fast as we could and see who stayed on and who got thrown off.

  4. I love the carousel, but I love carousel with horses and music. I love those. Are you talking about the merry-go-round? Maybe it was called something different where I live. Goes round and round and you hang on. I loved that as a child too and you are right, they are not on playgrounds anymore. Too many kids fell off and got hurt I guess. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend.

  5. By carousel, do you mean the thing that kids used to push around while others held on. I was terrified of that. However, the merry-go-round carousel would be a favorite.

    I love your answer to #3. If only.....

  6. I've had similar moments like your Hillary moment. I have no idea what sets those off.


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