Friday, August 03, 2018

I Got the Blogger Blues

For the last two months or so, my blog has not been working properly.

Neither has many other people's. This apparently came about as something to do with changes made to adhere to European Union requirements or some such. I don't know.

Anyway, it used to be that people would comment on my blog and I'd get an email notification that they'd comment. Unless the blogger comment was a "no reply" comment, I could email the person directly and we could, and frequently did, carry on a conversation between just the two of us.

The emails stopped coming.

The notifications that I have posted a blog have also stopped. I used to receive a notification every time I posted a blog and that was good, because sometimes I prepare these things days in advance and I would set them to post at various days and times. Seeing the email let me know the blog post had appeared as it was supposed to. *Update* A Miracle! This blog post appeared in my email!

None of this stuff works now. I have made all the changes I've found on the blogger forum. Nothing made a difference.

Finally yesterday I left a post on the forum asking for help. So far, nothing, but I honestly don't expect anything different.

I try now to remember to check my blog more frequently for comments, but after over 10 years of receiving email comments it is taking time to make that a habit.

Wordpress in the past did not impress me when I tried it, but it may be time to start looking for another blogging venue. I hate to do that because I really love this blog. I've put vast amounts of time into it and worked hard on it and while it certainly isn't the most-read blog out there, I do have some readers.

Blogger has been easy and worked well. I don't know why big companies always have to mess stuff up and simply can't leave well enough alone. I know change is the only thing you can count on, and this blog is free, so I really can't complain too much. I also know, though, that my blog, like countless others, brings traffic to google and since I have a few google ads on my blog, there is a small bit of cashflow (very small, but still something).

I am not going anywhere - yet. I am trying to learn to live with this particular problem and hoping that it somehow magically fixes itself (sometimes that does happen with technological concerns). In the meantime, if you have experienced this problem and found a fix, feel free to leave it in my comment section.

Hopefully I will remember to check back here and I'll see it, since I am no longer notified of comments.


  1. Just commenting on this to see if the magic fix has happened.

  2. Your key word on this blog was "Free". You cannot provide Free and stay in business, so I'm sure they had to cut corners someplace or start charging a fee of some sort. Just my opinion as I'm not a Web geek and fully understand how technology works.

    1. It's not completely free. The content drives people to their product, and they get money from the ads on my blog.

    2. Free enough that the writer doesn't have to pay. So thats a good thing!

  3. I'm still getting comments sent to mine at my Gmail account mail. I hope you figure this out!

    1. I wonder if it is because I have not switched over to G+. I really dislike G+

  4. I never got the comments sent to my email. :( I hope the good folks at Blogger figure this out!

  5. There was a fix for the comment problem awhile back and it has worked for me and many others. It is simple. You go to settings and find the place where you put your email in to receive comments. Delete it and save changes, them just put it back in and save it again. It worked for me. Give it a try.

    1. That worked! I wasn't saving in between. I guess that was the magic I was looking for. Thanks!


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