Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Stealing

From Sunday Stealing

1. What color is your watch?

A. Silver and gold.

2. What do you think of when you think of Australia?

A. Kangaroos

3. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?

A. Yes. The Shooting Star, at Lakeside Amusement Park, in Salem, VA.

4. Birthstone?

A. Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone

5. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through?

A. I do both. Just not at the same time.

6. Do you have any friends on facebook that you actually hate?

A. No.

7. Do you have a dog?

A. Not anymore.

8. Last person you talked to on the phone?

A. My friend Teresa.

9. Have you met anyone famous?

A. I have many lots of famous people, mostly politicians. In my work as a news reporter I met many Virginia governors, senators, congressmen, and local representatives.

10. Any plans today?

A. Depends on the weather.

11. From whom did you get this?

A. I got it at Sunday Stealing.

12. Are you happy?

A. No.

13. Where are you right now?

A. In my office in front of my desktop, writing the answers to these questions. Where else would I be?

14. Biggest annoyance in your life right now?

A. Stupidity.

15. Last song listened to?

A. Happy, by Pharell Williams

16. Last movie you saw?

A. It has been so long since I watched a movie on TV I don't remember.

17. Are you allergic to anything?

A. Pretty much everything. Grass, pollens, animals, scents of all types, cigarette smoke, perfumes.

18. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?

A. My Apex X826X sneakers.

19. Are you jealous of anyone?

A. No.

20. Are you married?

A. Yes.

21. Is anyone jealous of you?

A. I have no idea. I can't imagine why someone would be. If someone is, then said person doesn't know the whole story. That is why I try not to be jealous if anyone. I don't know the person's whole story.

22. What time is it?

A. Miller time.

23. Do any of your friends have children?

A. Yes.

24. Do you eat healthy?

A. I try but I am not the most successful healthy eater ever.

25. What do you usually do during the day?

A. I do laundry, I blog, I read, I play the guitar, I write other things, I do housework, I fix dinner, I go to the grocery store or run errands, I do the accounting for our various little cottage industries.

26. Do you hate anyone right now?

A. No. There are people out there I'd rather not be around, but I don't hate them.

27. Do you use the word 'hello' daily?

A. Yes.

28. How many kids do you want when you're older?

A. I'm too old to have kids.

29. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

A. The same age my mother was when she died.

30. Have you ever been to Six Flags?

A. No.

31. How did you get one of your scars?

A. I have a scar on my hand that happened when I hit my hand on the corner of a filing cabinet in the county circuit court clerk's office, and then I bled all over documents for something I was researching. My DNA is forever locked up in the local county courthouse on some innocuous piece of paper.

I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Well, lots of information here. I have never read anything like this on Sunday.

  2. I like your thinking on jealousy. We really can't know all of what someone's life is like or what demons they battle, why wish for something you might regret? This was one of the questions I didn't answer as I guess Bev shortened the list by the time I got to it. Enjoy your day!

  3. Great Answer for 21. A good way to think of it.
    26. Yes, exactly. I'm in avoidance, too. It's just easier.
    Your DNA all over a room in the county courthouse. Better behave! Lol..

  4. Don’t let your mothers age of death dictate how you live. My mom‘s mother died at 59 and my mom was convinced that she also would die before she saw her 60th birthday. She is now 74 and I joke with her often that she will outlive me! Because taking care of her is slowly killing me! LOL!
    I like your views on jealousy or being envious of other people because you don’t know the whole story and you should make the best of what you’re given is and to live life and not live to somebody else’s standards or expectations no matter who they are or what they have. My grandmother used to say the grass is always greener till you get there and you find out it was just a septic tank! I don’t really think you should hate anyone , Hate what that person does, hate how they treat, you hate what they say. Again, you don’t know their circumstances that led them to the way they are in their life. . Most of the time hate is a learned behavior and stems from something else, usually prejudice, another ugly word.
    On a lighter note, I love rollercoasters. There is something about the wind blowing through your hair that is just feels freeing and wonderful! Whether it be on a roller coaster, swing, or just standing outside letting a good breeze blow through your hair and over your face on a pretty day, It just feels great to me!

  5. YOu picked up the questions before I edited them to make the list shorter. (I did it on my answers and then remembered that I had not changed the original list)

  6. Miller time cracked me up! Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


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