Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday 9: Love Is All Around

Saturday 9: Love Is All Around (1970)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is the theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, a sitcom that originally aired from 1970 to 1977. Were you a fan?

A. I was aged 7 to 13 then and it came on a TV channel we could not receive. I watched it a few times when I visited my grandmother (who lived in a less rural area) but I never saw enough of it to know if I would be or would have been a fan.

2) The song tells us that Mary Richards can turn the world on with her smile. Yet the real-life Mary Tyler Moore said she was uncomfortable with her "wide mouth." If you could improve on one of your facial features, which would you choose?

A. I have a scar above my upper lip that I wouldn't mind never seeing again.

3) We also hear that Mary can "take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile." What do you think makes a day "a nothing day?"

A. A nothing day would be a day where nothing worth talking about happens. Same ol' same ol'.

4) Mary works in the newsroom at WJM. Her desk is neat as a pin. Are you neat? Or do you lean to the sloppy side?

A. I suppose I lean on the sloppy side because I am a piler, not a filer. I have fits of cleaning up my office but I always seem to find things better when they are in piles.

5) Mary's best friend, Rhoda, worked as a window dresser at Hempel's department store. What department store did you most recently shop at? What did you buy?

A. I was last at Lowe's and I bought a new dishwasher. That's not a department store but I can't recall when I was last in a department store.

6) Mary Richards lived in Minneapolis. What city is nearest to where you are right now?

A. Roanoke, Virginia.

7) Originally the part of Mary Richards was written as a divorcee, but in 1970, there were no TV shows that centered around a divorced woman. Think about the women in your life. Are most of them married, divorced, single or widowed?

A. Most of my friends are married.

8) The MTM production company logo featured a mewing kitten. The cat was found in a Minneapolis shelter, and, after her sequence was shot, she was adopted by a crew member who named her Mimsie. What's the name of the last cat -- or dog or hamster or rabbit -- that you petted?

A. I don't pet animals. I am highly allergic to them - like go to bed for a month with near-pneumonia allergic - so I stay away from them all.

9) Random question -- Would you rather have a job that kept you seated on your fanny or standing on your feet?

A. I have always had jobs that utilized computers and typing and such, so I guess on my fanny. Standing makes my back hurt now.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. I've been to Lowe's and as a non-do-it-yourselfer, I found it overwhelming. Boy, do they ever have departments! "Lawn and Garden," "Doors and Windows," "Pipes and Fittings" .... so yes, they are a department store. BTW, a friend of mine who is handy around the house maintains that all Lowe's stores have the BEST (cleanest) public restrooms ever. If you shop there often, that's good to know.

  2. I agree...don't mess with my piles. I'm organized in my own way and know where stuff is. It's when I try to be neat and organized and file things that I end up losing my mind looking for them.

    It's kind of sad that every one of us chose a sitting job because of pain if we stand. The medical community needs to find a cure for that.

  3. I usually have to go to Home Depot which gives me a chance to walk, and walk, and walk trying to find what I need. My back suffers from standing too long, too.

  4. My room is an organized mess and I hate it! I prefer a place for everything and open spaces but right now i’m In the process of cleaning everything out and I do mean everything!

  5. I'm paying the price now for a lifetime of being a "desk jockey"

  6. #8--wow! I'm sorry you have such intense allergies!

  7. Wow, allergies.. Achoo! Your's are very severe.
    My hubby's a piler. I'm a filer.
    Oooh ooo.. story time: I also have a scar on my upper lip, from my utter obsession with an Iron Indian head bookend that was my grandfather's.

  8. I will pile until the pile gets on my it did today. Then I will file or toss.

  9. I chuckled at your piler, not a filer! I enjoyed your answers!!


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