Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Something I Miss

A long time ago, when I was in college obtaining my bachelors degree, students talked to one another. I miss that. (When I finished up my masters degree in 2012, I had found, to my dismay, that the older students did not spend time with one another during breaks or in between classes. Instead, they went to their smart phones, off in some corner.)

I miss learning the old-fashioned way, with pen in hand, eyes and ears rapt with attention as a professor either entertained or droned on, depending on topic and personality. (I've recently been trying to learn new things via streaming videos. It's not the same.)

Atmosphere in an education of learning is breathtaking and inspiring. I miss that.

My professors brought out the best in me, making me think, feel, anticipate and argue. I miss that.

Professors gave me deadlines to do things. I miss that.

My classmates offered discussion on a variety of things, from the courses we were studying to new ideas about, well, anything. I miss that.

Learning never stops, and I hope I haven't stopped learning, but I do miss the environment of the college - the environment from the late 1980s and early 1990s, not the one in 2012.


Note: In the newspaper today, I read an obituary that I think belongs to my 7th grade English teacher, Mrs. Kiker. The obituary doesn't say if the person was a teacher, but I think this is the same person. I loved Mrs. Kiker. She was another one of those teachers who knew I would grow up to be a writer someday. She was encouraging and kind, and she left a big impression on an impressionable kid. **Update** My mother-in-law doesn't think this is the teacher.

Linking up with the April challenge from Kwizgiver. April 24 done!


  1. Good teachers make or break your heart and your future. I'm so glad that yours seem to be the maker types! Beautiful!
    And, you are so right: Learning just never stops. Have a great week, CountryDew.

  2. I also had Mrs. Kiker and she was a wonderful teacher. I actually entered a writing contest when she was my teacher. I placed second in the county.

    1. Not sure if the obituary is the Mrs. Kiker we remember.


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