Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday 9: Lowdown

Saturday 9: Lowdown (1976)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, "the lowdown" is an unpleasant truth. Tell us about a time when you had to do like Boz and give someone "the lowdown."

A. I had to tell my editor I couldn't write for him anymore due to health reasons.

2) The lowdown Boz delivers is about the woman his friend is seeing. Specifically, she's gossiping about his finances. If you discovered something negative about a friend's romantic partner, would you share it with your friend? Or would you keep it to yourself?

A. I would keep it to myself, most likely. It would depend a bit on what it was. I learned a long time ago that people don't really want to hear that sort of thing.

3) Boz was born William Royce Scaggs, but in high school he was given the nickname "Bosley" -- later shortened to "Boz." His friends thought "Bosley" sounded nerdier than "Bill," and Scaggs was quite the music nerd. What is something you're nerdy about?

A. Video games.

4) His son Austin Scaggs is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone. What magazines are in the room you're in right now?

A. AARP, O!, Reader's Digest and my college alumna magazine.

5) Boz and his wife own a vineyard in Napa. Do you prefer white or red wine?

A. I don't drink.

6) In 1976, the year this song was popular, movie queen Elizabeth Taylor needed an escort to one of the nation's Bicentennial celebrations. Former Under Secretary of the Navy John Warner was asked to take her to the event, and within months he became her husband. Have you ever had a "blind date" that turned into a relationship?

A. No.

7) Also in 1976, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple in Jobs' parents' garage. Does your garage serve as your office, workshop or studio? Or is it just home to your car?

A. It holds the car and some of my husband's "man stuff."

8) The Bionic Woman premiered in 1976. Because of her "bionic parts," Jaimie Summers could run faster than most cars, had superhuman strength, and super-sensitive hearing. If you could have one of those qualities enhanced -- speed, strength or hearing -- which would you choose?

A. Strength. I'm pretty puny as it is. I loved the Bionic Woman.

9) Random question: When you lean in for a kiss, do you tilt your head to the right or to the left?
A. Right.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. Here’s a questioning go along with #9... . When you hug do you put your arms above or below the others shoulders? It is a subconscious control movement. The person on top of the shoulders is in control of the hug. I have a friend that always hugged me that way even though I was taller than him. Never said anything because He was a great hugger and I enjoyed being hugged and being cared for.

  2. #8 -- Puny here, too. I should move the slats under my box spring. I have a very large plant that needs to move from office to home. If I were Jaimie Summers, these would be simple matters instead of the major productions they are shaping up to be.

  3. I think, so far, that we've all said we tilt to the right. I wonder if that is a male/female thing?

    I don't remember watching the Bionic Woman as a kid, but our local station just launched a digital channel called COZI and it's all the old shows. Every Sunday evening my husband has us tuned in to the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman. They are pretty cheesy by today's standards, but entertaining none the less.

  4. Like you, I loved the Bionic Woman. Sometimes when my students are doing something I'll make the "ningningning" sound but they don't get my reference.

  5. I am amazed at how many of my friends lay video games. Even though their kids are grown and moved out.


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