1. What do you find hilarious, but most people don’t find funny?
A. The State of the Union. It is really very sad, but I think a lot of people are getting exactly what they asked for. I also think they will come to regret it.
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The State of the Union |
A. Probably somewhere around 2005-2006. I was working steady, I felt well, my nerves weren't on edge all the time, and the economy was doing okay.
3. What’s your favorite thing to do on the Internet?
A. Blog. Play video games.
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The Dragonborn in Skyrim |
4. What fad have you held on to even though it isn’t popular any more?
A pile of my blogs, bound in hard copy via blog2print. |
5. What do you spend most of your time doing?
A. Looking at this computer screen and laundry.
6. What do you spend way too much money on?
A. Chocolate.
7. What event, large or small, has changed the course of your life most?
A. Getting married.
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The day that changed my life. |
8. Who do you have a hard time taking seriously?
A. Any state or national level politician. (I give local politicians the benefit of the doubt, until they start climbing the political ladder.)
9. What do you judge people for most often?
A. I used to not judge people, or I tried not to, but I find now that I do more than I used to. It is usually over (a) religion or (b) politics, and generally it is because of something stupid said on Facebook. I am trying to stop using Facebook.
10. What was the most beautiful view you have ever experienced?
A. I look at a beautiful view every day.
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Ain't it purty? |
11. What is something you read or heard that has stuck with you for a long time?
A. When I was very young I read a story about a young boy who would sit in a field to frighten the birds. "Fly blackbird fly, or I'll make you into a pie!" he would call out. I don't remember anything else about the story, nor have I been able to find the story as an adult, but for some reason that has always stuck with me. I used to have nightmares are scarecrows and cornfields; for some reason I relate this story to those dreams.
12. What’s your favorite thing to shop for? Why?
A. I love to shop for office supplies. They can be a cheap thrill - 50 cents for some little doohickey you don't need, and you've had your shopping therapy. Plus they smell new and offer the anticipation of productivity.
13. What’s the best compliment someone can receive?
A. That you are kind.
14. What’s something people go on and on about and you just can’t stand sitting through?
A. I can't think of anything. As a news reporter it was my job to listen to people and ask the right questions to turn the mundane into a story. I still do that.
15. What’s something you can do that most people can’t?
A. I don't know that I can do anything special in any department. I write well. I can roll my tongue (and my eyes). I'm more of a Jill-of-all-trades sort of girl.
16. When was the last time you tried to look cool and ended in embarrassment?
A. I have no idea. I gave up trying to look cool a very long time ago.
17. What is the most ridiculous rule you have to follow?
A. All of them.
18. What country do you not know the location of, even though you should?
A. Good grief. I am not up on the current geography of African nations or some of the newer ones that sloughed off from the Soviet Union, so I suppose some of those.
19. What do you have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?
A. Directions. Not map reading directions, but just knowing which way is north, south, east, west. I am easily turned around.
20. What’s the most impressive skill you have?
A. I shall go with my writing skills. It is what I am best known for and what I have done and wanted to do for as long as I can remember.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.
I still write in a journal nearly every day. I used to blog daily about life, things on my mind, and of course the memes but I don't find it nearly as satisfying as it once was (it used to be a close-knit community and has lost that feeling for me). That kind of blogging is definitely out of fashion. It's all about monetizing and making a buck. Most of the stuff I see labeled a blog these days doesn't even seem like what I consider a blog to be.
ReplyDeleteI use to journal, now I have no time. I really miss it! I also get your fascination with office supply stores. I could spend a fortune on neat little things that organize everything you have! Yes, I’m OCD with being organized. The biggest thing I have trouble with that others don’t is goal setting. For some reason I can come up with goals but that is it. I go after the things I want but can’t seem to put down steps to get there. I just go full blast toward what I want! I seem to be “all in” or “nothing at all”. I don’t know if this is good or bad? Just for the record ... I have always thought you were kind, at least to me. ; -)
ReplyDeleteOh do you ever write well!
ReplyDeleteAnd 13 in in Kindness, we both chose that as the highest compliment.
DH asked me what games you played since I said I wanted to try yours. It’s Skyrim, for one and, Thank you 🙏🏼 I “go away” several times a day to my land, too. And your answer to number 1, perfect. I know my state senators and governor and trust them to do right by the people, so I don’t share complete skepticism about all politicos, just the evil self serving ones.
I've never had my daily blog printed, but I do get the blog2print version of the entries I write whenever we take a trip overseas because I like having a travelogue to re-read.
ReplyDeleteYour bound journals are a real treasure!
ReplyDeletePoliticians drive me nuts! That view is very beautiful!