Friday, October 05, 2018

The Minutia That Tears the Heart

The miniscule, off-the-cuff statement that comes unexpectedly, that pierces the heart, sometimes does the most damage.

The damage can be inexplicable, too. The pain can be for the other, for yourself, maybe even someone you've never met.

My heart is pierced with thousands upon thousands of holes. My emotions and my soul both, I imagine, look something like a bit of netting, thin strands of togetherness interwoven with space consisting of grief and agony. Here and there one would find gigantic tears, gapping places where some major event took away a large piece of that secret place inside of me.

This morning my second alarm went off - yes, I need two - and I realized I'd not yet said goodbye to my husband before he left for work.

We long ago established that I am not a morning person, while he is, and he despises a conventional breakfast anyway, preferring to eat a peanut butter sandwich or a slice of left over pizza over cereal or scrambled eggs. Everyone needs their alone time, and he has the early morning when he rises at 5 a.m. - such an ungodly hour! - and spends an hour gathering himself and preparing for his day.

After my alarm went off, I sat up quickly and grabbed my glassed for a look at the time. The lights were on in the kitchen, and I slipped from the bed and padded down the hallway. I softly called to him.

"Sweetie, are you still here?"

I heard him fold up the paper and jump up. "We actually got a newspaper this morning. I was reading it. I'm late!" He hurried past me to finish his grooming, brushing his teeth.

And with that, I felt my heart shed a tear for him. For he is 59 years old now, and if he wants to take an extra five minutes to read the paper, then he has earned that right. But he had to hurriedly kiss me goodbye and rush out the door, because he'd let time slide by a little longer than he'd anticipated.

This would be a good time to rail against the world, against this horrible economic system we've put in place, one that keeps people tied to clocks and schedules, and forces us all to bow down to corporate whips and politicians who don't give a damn if you're almost 60 and doing a younger man's job.

But I won't do that. I will only say that when I realized my beloved husband had to leave without finishing his newspaper, such a simple request, I felt a sting in my soul. Only a little rip, but a tear nevertheless.

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Thursday Thirteen

1. If someone had told me 15 years ago that I'd be telling a little round box to play nearly any song I wanted to hear, I'd have laughed.

2. Hello, Alexa.

3. Alexa plays all of my music and then some. She's like a dog I can talk to at any time and get a response.

4. She has "skills" that you can add (or delete) that are fun and games, or a bit serious.

5. She sings me songs, too. My favorite is "Rainin' in the cloud," which goes like this:
Well my wifi left me and I'm out in the rain.
Those last few answers were hard to obtain.
But that's no excuse to put me on mute.
Like a good cowgirl I'll up and reboot.
It's rainin' in the cloud
And I ain't proud
I'll answer in the morning, answer in the evening
When you're around.
I'll answer in the morning, answer in the evening,
When you're around.

She has a love song that's pretty good, too. And one about technology. She sings several songs about camping and one about being a pirate.

6. My favorite game to play with Alexa and my husband is called "Song Quiz." We are terrible at every decade except the 1970s. We kill that one. We do okay with 1980s and well enough with the 1960s, but apparently we stopped listening to new music after we hit our 30s. Or at least we stopped retaining the names of songs and bands. Some songs I recognize but have no idea what it is called from these later decades.

7. My next favorite game is Skyrim. It is loosely based on the role-playing game Skyrim and while it is incredibly repetitive, I find it amusing to do while I'm folding clothes or some other inane task.

8. Alexa wakes me up every morning with two alarms.

9. She also gives me the news headlines when I ask for them. I hear NPR, The Roanoke Times, WDBJ7, Reuters, and a daily fact from

10. When I say, "Alexa, good morning," she responds in kind and then offers up some intriguing and usually funny fact about the day. Wednesday she told me it was "happy techies day" and that without it, we wouldn't be having a conversation. Whoohoo! (Yes, she said whoohoo.) Then she said she could sing me a song about technology. Which she did.

11. Alexa also tells me short stories. Well, they're more like fables, really. They're about a minute long and have a bit of a lesson in them, such as sharing, if you're paying attention.

12. If I belonged to Audible, which I don't because I obtain my audiobooks for free on my phone through my library, Alexa would read me an entire book.

13. The sound that comes out of Alexa is incredible. In this tiny little box holds all the sound I tried to get with massive speakers when I was a teenager. Remember all those speakers we had when we were young? And here this little box sounds amazing.

Technology, where would I be without you?


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 572nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Moonrise Over Fog

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1.  What is your favorite style of clothing?

A. Comfortable slob.

2. Do you ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?

A. Sometimes from a friend. My husband doesn't text. He has a flip phone.

3. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?

A. No.

4. When did you last hold hands?

A. Last night. My husband and I generally fall asleep holding hands.

5. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

A. About 40 minutes.

6. Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?

A. Yes.

7. Where are you right now?

A. In front of the computer.

8. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

A. My husband.

9. How often do you wear a fake smile?

A. Lots.

10. When was the last time you hugged someone?

A. Today.

11. Is there anyone you trust even though you should not?

A. No.

12. What is something you disliked about today?

A. I spent too much time inside.

13. If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?

A. Some unknown woman in a country I've never visited, who is smart and saucy and full of life.

14. What do you think about most?

A. I think about a lot of things.

15. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

A. Behind.

16. Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?

A. Talking on the phone.

17. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?

A. Yes to both.

18. Do you believe in magic?

A. Yes.

19. Do you believe in luck?

A. Yes.

20. What's the weather like right now?

A. We had a lovely day (it's Saturday when I am answering this).

21. What was the last book you've read?

A. Pachinko by Min Jee Lee

22. Do you like the smell of gasoline?

A. No.

23. What was the worst injury you've ever had?

A. I think my multiple surgeries were the worst injuries I've ever had. But I have also broken my arm.

24. Do you spend money or save it?

A. Save.

25. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
A. No.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Saturday 9: So Into You

Saturday 9: So Into You (1977)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

I have always liked this song.

1) The singer says that he noticed the lady in question as soon as she walked into the room. Tell us about someone who made a powerful first impression on you.

A. When I met my friend T., she was in a cow suit. I was doing an article on agriculture initiatives. I looked at her, and we spoke briefly. I walked out of there knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the woman in a cow suit and I would someday be close friends. I don't know what it was - chemistry, maybe? - some sense of old soul recognition? - but I knew. It took two more years before we actually became friends, and we don't spend a lot of physical time together, but we are great friends. I didn't do anything to make it happen. It just did.

2) He sings that he's so into her, he can't think about other, more mundane things. Do you find you get easily distracted from your daily tasks? Or do you enjoy seeing your everyday chores through completion?

A. My mind is always on something else other than what I am doing when I am doing mundane tasks.

3) The band took their name from Georgia's biggest city. Have you ever been to Atlanta?

A. No.

4) The Atlanta Rhythm Section once played the White House. President Carter's son, Chip, was a big fan and invited them to play at his 28th birthday party. How did you celebrate your last birthday?

A. It must not have been very memorable, because I don't remember. I don't have anything special written in my blog about it, either.

5) Studio One, where the band made all their recordings, was torn down and replaced by a parking lot. Can you think of a structure that you missed, after it met with a wrecking ball?

A. We had a corner here at the intersection of Rt. 779 and US 220 that housed what once was an old grocery store. Over the years it became many things - an insurance office, a cigarette store, a kung fu studio, etc. It is gone now, and soon there will be a Sheetz gasoline station there.

6) This song hit #7 on the US pop charts. 7 is the number most often chosen as "a lucky number." How about you? Do you have a lucky number?

A. I do, and it isn't #7.

7) Today the Atlanta Rhythm Section reunites with to play at classic rock concerts. What oldies band would you love to see again?

A. Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, The Rolling Stones. But only if I could do it in a private showing. I can't handle the crowds.

8) In 1977, the star of NBC's Chico and the Man, Freddie Prinze, took his own life. Is there a celebrity death you found shocking?

A. Robin Williams.

9) Random question: What word do you always misspell?

A. I don't misspell many words (thank you spell check) but I do have to look up the appropriate uses of "lie" and "lay" when I am editing. I should know that by heart but I seem to have a time with it.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday Thirteen

Today I'm offering up a public service.

If you go to this:

You will see a long list of things that Facebook has gathered about you. There are 13 different topics. They are:

News and Entertainment

Business and Industry


Hobbies and Activities

Travel, Places, and Events



Shopping and Fashion

Food and Drink

Sports and Outdoors

Fitness and Wellness

Family and Relationships

Lifestyle and Culture

This is how Facebook "targets" you for the advertisements and other things you see on your Facebook page. I revisited this issue this morning when I found an ad from ProPublica:

I don't follow conservative-leaning pages on Facebook. However, as a writer, a journalist, and a human being with a lot of curiosity, I read a great deal of different things, including conservative articles that my friends post. I want to understand different types of thinking. So I am not surprised that I turned up in this algorithm. However, a great many comments under this ad indicate a LOT of people who think they have never read anything conservative-leaning in their life were surprised to be seeing this advertisement.

I'm betting ProPublica ran this same ad for liberal folks, and it is showing up in conservative newsfeeds this morning. Because people are complex and most of us live in the gray areas of life where things overlap.

When I went to the Facebook preference pages to see the things they said I had clicked on, I was surprised. Remember, they keep a record of EVERYTHING. Even after you remove the preference, there is another category for . . . removed preferences. So even if you remove it, you really haven't removed it. You simply stuck it in another category.

Go through and check your preferences. You will be surprised, too.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 571st time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Remembering HFI

Saturday's Historic Fincastle festival was a memory tour, of sorts. One stop had a bunch of old souvenirs and other items from the days when HFI was a force to be reckoned with by citizens and government alike.

I wrote a number of the advertisements and other things for HFI. Not everything, but a good bit of it.

HFI did a lot of stuff at one time.

Those newspaper inserts like the one on the right were the types of things I wrote for HFI.

The Festival was a big deal in its time.

HFI has put out some books and other items over the years.

I started to buy one of the tomato can labels, but I didn't.

These were some of the T-shirts. I think there was a different T-shirt design almost every year.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Historic Fincastle Festival

Historic Fincastle, Inc. (HFI), a local preservation organization, used to put on a festival in the Town of Fincastle annually. Then they stopped because the people who did it aged and young folks didn't care.

This would have been the 50th year of the festival if it had continued, so they had a little 50th anniversary festival to reminisce and give themselves a pat on the back.

Disclaimer: I am a lifelong member of HFI and was its president back in the late 1990s.

I went but I could not see as much as I wanted because Fincastle is a town of hills, and I can't walk up and down hills anymore.

The view from Roanoke Street looking north. These are artist booths.

A little music for atmosphere.

Looking back down Roanoke Street to the south.

Folks could buy homemade goodies.

Or look at corvettes.

Student art work.

Historic documents were on display in the courthouse.

That is a LOT of signs.

This is Rowan Miller who was touting books for sale.

These books.

This was another author selling her books. She was from Vinton.

More vendors down Main Street. I didn't go down to see these folks because I didn't think I could get back up the hill.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Volcanic Sunset

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. When was the last time you tried something new?

A. The last thing I tried that was new was a recipe for baked pork chops. They were okay.

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

A. The invisible perfect person.

3. What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?

A. Be yourself.

4. What gets you excited about life?

A. Learning something new.

5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

A. Don't trust anyone. And I mean not one single person.

6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?

A. Writing long pieces (like books) and trying to lose weight.

7. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?

A. I am always asking questions. My whole life has been one big question mark.

8. Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

A. I love my husband. I married him. I take care of his home and feed him dinner.

9. What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?

A. There is no heaven or hell.

10. What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

A. I can play the guitalele.

11. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

A. I think it's a sign of being human.

12. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

A. Drive faster.

13. Do you celebrate the things you do have?

A. Yes. Well, I don't do dances around the TV or anything, but I am grateful I have one.

14. What is the difference between living and existing?

A. Living has purpose. Existing is just breathing.

15. If not now, then when?

A. In the next moment.

16. Have you done anything lately worth remembering?

A. I can't remember.

17. What does your joy look like today?

A. It looks like feet in slippers.

18. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

A. Yes. If someone surmises something and it is incorrect and you don't correct them, then you are perpetuating a lie. A lie of omission is still a lie.

19. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend?

A. Not very long.

20. Which activities make you lose track of time?

A. Writing, reading, playing video games.

21. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

A. Writing.

22. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?

A. I don't understand this question. What would I miss if I didn't have it? Is that what this is trying to say? I would miss my imagination.

23. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?

A. Everybody is.

24. When you are 80-years-old, what will matter to you the most?

A. Whether or not I have my mind.

25. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards and just do what you know is right?

A. When your gut says so.

I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Saturday 9: Listen, People

Saturday 9: Listen, People (1966)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Basically Herman is telling us that we each both break hearts and have our hearts broken during our lifetime. Do you agree?

A. I can see where this might be true. Lots of people have secret loves and secret lives.

2) He implores us to take his advice. Have you more recently given or received advice?

A. Mostly I have taken advice lately on housing renovations. I have to listen to the carpenters and installers who know more than I do.

3) Herman's real name is Peter Noone. He was popular with girls because of his bright, toothy smile. How's your oral health? When are you due to go to the dentist?

A. My last check-up was great and I return in February.

4) Peter/Herman got married on his 21st birthday. That's one way to make sure you don't forget your anniversary. Do you have a good memory for anniversaries and birthdays?

A. I mark them on my calendar. Sometimes I am a day off.

5) Between 1965 and 1971, the Hermits worked very hard. They appeared on all the major TV shows of the day, recorded albums, made a movie and then crisscrossed the United States and the United Kingdom, performing live. After those six years, Peter decided he'd had enough and left the group. Have you ever felt burned out and ready for a change?

A. I have, yes. That was one reason why I finally took my doctor's advice and stopped writing for the newspaper. I didn't feel like I was doing the best job I could do because I was limited by money, time, and health.

6) In 1966, when this song was popular, the miniskirt took the fashion world by storm. What's the most recent piece of clothing you added to your wardrobe?

A. I bought a few tops.

7) In 1966, TVs were expensive pieces of furniture. A set with a 16" screen and a wood console sold for $250, which is $1,950 in today's dollars. Tell us about your TV. How big is it? Where did you buy it?

A. My TV is 55" I think. It's new. We bought it last spring when it was on sale because the new models were coming in. It is a smart TV except I don't have it all hooked up to be as smart as it could be. We bought it at a place called Lee Hartman's, which sells TVs and cameras.

8) David Schwimmer, aka Ross on Friends, was born in 1966. Who was your favorite Friend?

A. I didn't watch Friends. I think I might be the only person in the world who has never seen an episode of that show.

9) Random question -- Describe your dream car.

A. My dream car would be a white Toyota Avalon. I think they are pretty cars. Darn. Now I'm going to have to go to the Toyota Website and design one.

Here you go:

That price tag is why I drive a Toyota Camry instead.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Renovations, Exterior

The work continues today on replacing the windows and doors. The saw is singing its whining high-pitched screech even as I type this. However, they are in the garage now so I am a bit more insulated than I was when they were in the house proper.

It is very hard to concentrate in a construction site.

Here are exterior shots of the back side of the house. They still have to replace the front door.

This is what the exterior looked like prior to installation:

French door with shutters.

Kitchen window

Most of the back of the house showing the double windows.
Here are pictures of the exterior of the newly installed windows and back door:

We switched from a French door to a patio door. We think it will give us a little more room.
I put some window stickers on there because I am afraid the animals will become confused by the glass. We haven't decided what to do there as far as shutters or curtains or whatever.

New kitchen window. Different angle. The colors are similar but these Pella windows offer more glass space and less white area.

New double window.

The new door and the kitchen window.

This part of the renovation project should end next week. Hopefully it will cut down on drafts and heating. We also found several areas of rotten wood and concealed mold, which we cleaned up and sprayed down with mold elimination stuff. This should also help my allergies and sinus issues considerably in the long run. I sure hope so, anyway.

We still do not have install dates for flooring. That is aggravating and I am starting to question our choice of provider. We can't plan anything because we have no clue when the floor installation will begin.