Monday, September 23, 2024

Contentment Day 23 - 20 Minutes

Today, for the first time literally in years, I managed to walk for 20 minutes on the treadmill.

I was not going at a fast pace. Just a nice even walk while I watched TV.

I used to do 20 minutes all the time. Then I had my gallbladder surgery in 2013, and everything went to hell with the pain in my midsection. Double-over and can't do anything but lie there kind of pain.

I had stopped physical therapy in 2019 in September, intending to go back after my husband had recovered from his ankle surgery.

Then we had a pandemic.

I have not been back to physical therapy except for a very short little period last fall. In the midst of caring for my husband, dealing with a pandemic, helping him with another surgery on his hip, taking care of life, I stopped walking on the treadmill.

I knew I needed to get back to it. So, about two months ago, I started back on it. I could manage about 5 minutes before the pain hit.

For about 10 days I did 5 minutes. Then upped it to 6 minutes. Then 8. Then 10. Then 12. Then 15. Last week, I was doing 15 to 18.

And today, I hit 20 minutes.

I will pay for it later tonight; I did 18 yesterday and was up in the middle of the night in pain. But I did it and I intend to keep doing it. My goal is 45 minutes every day.

I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill. Not bad for someone who could barely do 5 minutes two months ago.



  1. Go you!!!!! That is absolutely wonderful! I used to walk on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes a day and have gotten so bad about it the past few years. You've inspired me to get back at it. Slowly, but surely :)
    Have a great week ahead!

  2. Progress! I hope you're not in too much discomfort. Bravo for building up your stamina!

  3. This is the best news! Rachel, my yoga instructor, has a mantra: Movement is medicine. Walking on the treadmill is probably better for you than any OTC pills or creams. And it sounds like you feel good about yourself for doing it, and that's really reason enough, isn't it?


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