Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Happiness - Day 21

Today I went back to the dentist, having been there on Monday, so she could do her thing to create a crown for a front tooth.

I initially balked at this, because I didn't think the problem needed that kind of solution. I was having what I considered "high sensitivity" in a front tooth. I just wanted a little cement to make it go away. So, Monday she did what she called a "fluoride varnish," which wasn't cement, and it did absolutely nothing for the sensitivity issue I was having. 

I called late Tuesday and reported that the fluoride treatment had not helped. This morning the office called me back and said dental assistant said they had a cancelation, and I should come in this afternoon.

When I arrived, I made the dental assistant and the dentist show me all of the X-rays and explain to me like I was 5 why I needed a crown. She said all of the enamel was gone from the back of the tooth and it needed a crown to stop the sensitivity. The tooth had two fillings, one on each side, which I did not realize. I thought it just had one filling. She said the tooth could not handle more filling.

That knowledge made a big difference, so I stopped balking and let her go on and do her dentist work.

It took a very long time and at one point there was smoke coming out of my mouth, but the hard part is done and now there's nothing left but the waiting for the ceramic crown. I have a temporary crown in the meantime, and you can't even tell I had anything done. I can tell, but just to look at me you can't tell a thing.

I am happy that I have a dentist I trust and who is patient and good with me.


Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.


  1. It's hard to imagine a dental visit as a source of happiness, but I do know a good dentist can make a big difference. Mine has a horrible manner with people, but he is so good and so quick that I trust him completely.

  2. Good that you asked them to explain, and you explained it here. Now I have a better understanding of what goes on. I need to get to the dentist!

  3. Good for you that you and the dentist had the conversation you needed to understand and make the choice.


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