Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Northern Lights

A big solar storm sent the Northern Lights all the way to Virginia last night! They were breathtaking. No wonder people trek north simply to see them. Spectacular! I was awed. I've caught occasional glimpses of a little color during these storms, but nothing like this.

From what I see on Facebook, people using cellphones caught more purple colors than my Nikon did. But this is pretty much what we were able to see with our naked eye. My brother who lives about 2 miles away as the crow flies said he couldn't see them except through his cellphone when we were outside about 10:15 p.m. 

Simply amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous. We finally get an event in the sky that is not obliterated by clouds...and I forgot all about it. My FB friends have been posting fantastic pictures.


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