Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. Write about the best decision you ever made. How did you make it? Was it reasoning or gut instinct?

A. Marrying my husband was the best decision I ever made. I knew I wanted to marry him within a month of meeting him. It was a heart decision.

2. What ONE thing would you change about your life? How would your life be different?

A. I would like to be healthier, which means I would be more athletic, move more, maybe even have friends who like to walk and we'd encourage each other.

3. What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Why was it hard for you? What did you learn?

A. I tried to have a child. It was hard because I failed at it because my body wouldn't cooperate. I learned there are some things I cannot control no matter how much I try.

4. What is your greatest hope for your future? What steps can you take to make it happen?

A. My greatest hope for my future is well, I don't really have one. I'm just hoping for a decent next 20 years.

5. If you can time travel, what will you tell your teenage self?

A. I'd tell my teenage self to exercise, go straight to college, even if it wasn't the place she wanted to be, and to not go into journalism.

6. Write about the most glorious moment in your life so far.

A. I think the most glorious moment was when my husband proposed to me. He did that at the Coach and Four Restaurant (still in business); he had the ring down in his cowboy boot. He asked me to marry him, and I said yes, and he gave me my engagement ring. Then we went to tell his parents and my parents.

7. What did you struggle most with today?

A. A headache.

8. What made you happy today?

A. Talking to a friend on the phone.

9. What did you dislike most about growing up?

A. I didn't dislike growing up. I like being an adult a lot more than I liked being a child.

10. Write about 3 activities you love the most and why you love them.

A. Writing, because it allows me to express my thoughts and share and connect with others; reading, because it takes to places I'd never go otherwise; and playing music, because it centers me and puts me in the moment. It's hard to play music when you are worrying about other things.

11. What has been your best trip so far?

A. That time I fell down in my grandmother's basement and broke my arm when I was 12 was a pretty good trip. ;-)

12. Write a list of 3 things (physical or personality-wise) you love about yourself, and why they make you unique.

A. (1) I'm very loyal to the people I care about. Lots of people aren't. They only think about themselves.
    (2) I have expressive eyes, apparently. My husband says I do, anyway. It's for me to hide my feelings.
    (3) I am interested in many topics and can speak intelligently about a vast array of things.

13. Discuss 3 things you wish others knew about you.

A. (1) I need a lot of hugs.
    (2) I miss being a student.
    (3) I do not ever stop thinking

14. Write about your top 3 personal strengths.


15. Is social media a blessing or a curse?

A. It's out of the bottle now, and it is a reflection of humanity, for good or ill. Looks like a lot more ill than good, alas.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I wish I enjoyed exercise. I loathe it.

  2. Pre-covid I was not a hugger - at all! I enjoy hugs much more now!


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