Sunday, March 24, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. If you could witness any event from history, what would it be?

A. I would like see Queen Victoria take the throne.

2. What do you think about conspiracy theories?

A. Everyone is out to get me! How dare you ask such questions! Don't you know the government sees everything? I think they're silly and sad at the same time. This meme sums it up fairly well:

3. Do you like cartoons? Do you have /had a favorite one?

A. I used to like cartoons, but I haven't watched any in a long time. I liked Bugs Bunny when I was a youngster. What's up, Doc?

4. What did you most dislike in school?

A. I disliked the cliques that formed in the schools. Seems to be the way social groups evolve, though.

5. What sounds are in your opinion relaxing? The sound of the sea? Traffic? Vacuum cleaner? Combine harvester on the field? Some kind of music? Birds singing?

A. Music is more relaxing than most of those. Bird song can be relaxing sometimes, unless it's a murder of crows cawing. I sleep with white noise - the hum of an air purifier - because I hear the refrigerator and other appliances turning off and on if I don't. 

6. What was the last thing you read?

A. The last thing I read, besides these questions, was an article about the GOP budget proposal that would raise the retirement age to 69 and it would gut Medicare, too. It also makes it federal law that life begins at conception and does away with IVF. So, if you want to work until you drop dead and not be able to pay for your medical care while you're doing that, and you want your granddaughter with fertility issues to never have a baby, vote Republican.

7. What is one thing that has stumped you so hard you won't ever forget it?

A. How Hillary Clinton lost the election in 2016.

8. What are you interested in that most people aren’t?

A. Local government. The real local government, not the craziness that some people are trying to pass off as the local government.

9. What’s something you really resent paying for?

A. Electricity. I don't mind paying something for it, but it has bloomed in price in the last 10 years and nothing I do seems to bring the usage down. I think it should not be shareholder owned, as that runs up the prices. They worry more about paying their shareholders than keeping the trees cut back so you don't have outages. 

10. If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

A. I am happy with where I am now, although if I get to come back in the future, that's ok, too.

11. What's one question you would ask Superman?

A. If he has to use deodorant. I don't know if Kreptonians sweat while they're on Earth.

12. What's your favorite smell? What's your least favorite smell?

A. My favorite smell is my husband's chest after he has had a shower. My least favorite smell is a skunk.

13. How do you feel about cars becoming fully autonomous and having no steering wheel, breaks, or accelerators?

A. I don't think I will be driving one. I do not like the idea of something without a human mind behind it driving me around.

14. What are your favorite books and authors?

A. I read all sorts of things, so I don't really have favorites. Looking back over my "books I have read" list, which I started in 2006, I see a lot of Janet Evanovich, Debbie Macomber, Sue Grafton, Stuart Woods, David Sedaris, Neil Gaiman, Nora Roberts, David Baldacci, Louise Penny, Fanny Flagg, Naomi Novik, Kate DiCamillo, Juliet Marillier, Richard Paul Evans, Lois McMaster Bujold, Tamora Pierce, etc. Tolkien's books are the only ones I reread, although I have put Heather Cox Richardson's book back in my "to read" pile to reread because I think it deserves a second look.

15. Have you had a reading or palm reading done?

A. Yes. But it was a long time ago.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I have no idea what a skunk smells like. I understand they are revolting and part of me is curious. We don't have them over here.




  2. Skunk--you're absolutely right! It's awful.

  3. I saw that meme when I was writing my answers and ALMOST used it!

  4. Yuck! Skunks are indeed stinky!! So many of our young friends have IVF babies . . .here in Alabama, there was a recent bruhaha . was bad! For the time being, it is back to normal. I can't imagine taking that option away from so many couples!!

  5. I hear you about the cost of electricity. Our provider sends out emails to show you your usage compared to other homes in your area. They always say we use waaaay more than anyone else in the area. I can't figure how it could be when we aren't even home most of the day and we don't leave lots of stuff running. All of our appliances are new and energy saving. It's crazy.


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