Saturday, March 09, 2024

Saturday 9: Hold Me Now

Saturday 9: Hold Me Now (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song begins with a young man gazing at a picture of himself and his girlfriend in happier times. Are there any photographs in the room you're in right now?

A. There's a photo I took of a bee in a flower, and a picture I downloaded of Melissa Etheridge playing her guitar.

2) His girl tells him he's a dreamer. Do you consider yourself more a dreamer or realist?

A. Definitely a realistic dreamer.

3) "Hold Me Now" was a big hit for the British pop band, The Thompson Twins. They got their start in the late 1970s in the English city of Sheffield, so named because the River Sheaf runs through it. Do you know how your town got its name?

A. My closest town, Fincastle, was named for Lord Fincastle, the son of Lord Dunmore, Virginia's Lieutenant Governor in 1772, when the town was established.

4) Today lead singer Tom Bailey performs solo and is an outspoken advocate for veganism. Vegans abstain from consuming animal products, particularly in their diets. Are you a vegan, or have you ever tried to stick to a vegan diet?

A. No and no. 

5) Tom's former bandmate Joe Leeway has left show business altogether and concentrates on a career in hypnotherapy. This therapy is commonly used to treat insomnia, smoking cessation and obesity. Is hypnotherapy something you have tried, or would consider?

A. I have tried hypnotherapy. 

6) In 1983, when this song was popular, Motorola introduced the first cell phone. Today cell phones are an essential part of our everyday lives. Do you still have a landline?

A. Yes.

7) Also in 1983, American West airlines took off, flying between Las Vegas and Phoenix. Where did you travel to on your most recent flight?

A. I haven't been on an airplane since 1993. We went to Disney in Florida and back.

8) In 1983, Princess Diana was the world's top cover girl. Are there any magazines in the room you're in? If yes, who or what is on the cover?

A. The only magazine in here at the moment is the one I wrote for the county's 250th anniversary, and it has a picture of the county courthouse on the front.

9) Random question: Is anyone on your bad side this morning?

A. No one I know personally.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. Lord Dunmore! I learned a little about him during my last trip to Colonial Williamsburg. He and his wife Lady rocked that Governor's Palace with their "entertainments." They skedaddled back to England. Ah, I love it when I get to use my nerdiness in conversation.

  2. #6 And here I thought I was the only one with a landline still.
    #7 You beat me, my last flight was in 1999.

  3. The bee in the flower photo sounds beautiful! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

  4. I admit I'm a bit intrigued by your #9 answer.

  5. A realistic dreamer is a good answer. I am glad you got to go to Disneyworld. I miss going to Disneyland, but the price is so high now to go often. Nice that you wrote for that magazine!


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