Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Name a song that . . .

1. You enjoy, in another language.

A. There isn't one.

2. Recently introduced you to a new singer.

A. How about a show instead? We watch The Voice to see new singers.

3. You listen to in order to feel energized.

A. Anything from the 1970s, but especially disco. Yes, I like disco.

4. Is your favorite song from a musical.

A. It's a tie between "Do Re Me" and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

5. Reminds you of an old love.

A. I don't have an old love, I have the same old love from 40 years ago. But how about "How Deep Is Your Love?" by the Bee Gees.

6. Make you think of one of your children.

A. I don't have children. I guess I could say "Old McDonald Had a Farm" for the cows.

7. Makes you smile when you hear it.

A. "Band on the Run," by Paul McCartney & Wings

8. You love but is quite unknown.

A. "Shattered" by Linda Ronstadt.

9. That annoys you.

A. "Don't Go Chasin' Waterfalls," by TLC. I like the song but when I hear it, it becomes an earworm.

10. That your parents used to listen to.

A. Anything by Merle Haggard. 

11. From your early years of childhood.

A. "Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast," by Wayne Newton.

12. That has a color in the title.

A. "Blue Suede Shoes," by Elvis Presley

13. That needs to be played loud.

A. "Start Me Up," by the Rolling Stones

14. That is perfect for a road trip.

A. "Stairway to Heaven," by Led Zepplin or "Innagodavida" by Iron Butterfly, depending on what you're smoking on said road trip. 

15. That reminds you of yourself.

A. "Hell Is for Children," by Pat Benetar.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. This was cool, your answer brought back memories and now I have Band on the run stuck on a loop in my head!

  2. I made a road trip playlist and Start Me Up is the first song! Great minds!

  3. Your answer to #6 was perfect.

  4. We have the same tastes in music. Disco was (is) fun! My husband and I still enjoy listening to it occasionally. Disco brings back happy memories of dancing 'til dawn when things didn't ache.
    "Stairway to Heaven," by Led Zep is one of my fav's but I've gotta be in the mood.

  5. One of my friend from kindergarten played Start Me Up incessantly at a party right as it came out c 1981. Iron Butterfly is on MY list. I got to see Macca in 2014!

  6. I like 70's Disco - I was brought up with it really. I think Le Freak and I Feel Love are my favourites.

    Start Me Up - reminds me of university and OF COURSE Stairway to Heaven is a wonderful song.





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