Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturday 9: Shambala

Saturday 9: Shambala (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song refers to the mythical kingdom of Shambala. Can you think of another song that mentions to faraway, mythical land?

A. Well, there's Olivia Newton John's Xanadu, or there's "a land called Honalee" in Puff the Magic Dragon.

2) "Shambala" is performed by Three Dog Night. The name is derived from an Aboriginal Australian legend. In the outback, hunters would sleep with a dog beside them. If it was very cold, they would sleep between two dogs. If it was freezing -- you guessed it -- it was a three-dog night. Was it cold last night where you are?

A. It was below freezing, but we seem to be heading for an early spring. Maybe the groundhog was right.

3) The lead singer is the late Cory Wells. Early in his career he was a member of the house band at the famous Sunset Strip nightclub Whiskey-A-Go-Go. Cory was a bit of an anomaly at "The Whiskey" because of his sober lifestyle. When did you most recently enjoy an adult beverage?

A. I don't drink anything but water. Still. 

4) Bandmate Danny Hutton auditioned to be a member of The Monkees TV show. He didn't get the part. While he was a talented singer-songwriter, NBC was looking for musicians who could also act. Have you ever fantasized about a career as a performer?

A. I played in a band and was a performer in high school, but I am not keen on the spotlight. Maybe in some other universe.

5) Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys was an early supporter of Three Dog Night's. What's your favorite Beach Boys song?

A. Good Vibrations is the only one I can think of. I read recently that Brian Wilson is quite ill.

6) In 1973, when this song was popular, one of the best-selling toys Curious George plush doll packaged with a Curious George book. Can you recall a favorite book from your childhood?

A. Miss Osborne the Mop, by Wilson Gage, was one of my favorite books when I was 9 or 10. It was a Scholastic Book, I think.  

7) The Exorcist was in theaters, terrifying audiences. It's still ranked among the scariest movies of all time. Have you seen it? Did it scare you?

A. I saw it at some point, but it was a long time ago. I always get that one confused with Rosemary's Baby. I think I saw them about the same time. Or around the same age.

8) Roller skates were a big seller in 1973. While most rinks had skates available for rent, committed skaters had their own pair. Are you better on roller skates or ice skates?

A. I'm not very good on either one. I'm lucky I can stand up on a flat surface.

9) Random question -- Here's $100. What will you spend it on?

A. I would either donate it to the library or buy books.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. I loved Puff the Magic Dragon! But my first thought was sadness. That is sad about Brian Wilson. Did you play guitar in band? My granddaughter is in Color guard, and they spend hours practicing. I hope you get spring soon!

  2. I'm beginning I may have to give "the groundhog" some credit this year. We still have a little cold spell now and then, but on the whole, the trend seems to be warmer days. We should get close to 70 on Tuesday. Very unusual for the mountains of sw PA in February. Of course, if we listen to the groundhog, then I guess we have to listen to the adage that if March comes in like a lamb it will leave like a lion.

  3. We chose the same songs, we must be on the same wavelength

  4. I have to say we've had a rather mild winter for Northern Maine--about half the snow that we had last year.

  5. #1 I wish that I picked “Puff the Magic Dragon” the song the conservatives thought was about drugs.
    #5 There were so many great songs by the Beach Boys that I couldn’t pick just one.

  6. Rosemary's Baby has very little stereotypical horror or gore in it. I think it's more a suspense movie, with a shit-ton of paranoia. The Exorcist is, well, unique for all the horror and gore. Which isn't to say I don't admire it as an achievement in film making. The story is just far more dependent on visual thrills.


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