Saturday, January 06, 2024

Saturday 9: Start of Something

Saturday 9: This Could Be the Start of Something (1959)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2024.

1) We're beginning the year with an optimistic song about starting something new. Right now, are you feeling positive about 2024?

A. No, I am not feeling positive about 2024.
2) In this song, Jack Jones sings that because he's on a diet he declines a rich dessert. Are you trying to lose a few pounds after the holidays?

A. I am trying to eat better. If I lose weight, that would be a bonus. My doctor would turn cartwheels if I could get my cholesterol down.

3) The specific dessert referred to is a Charlotte Russe, a cake made with custard, fruit, cream, whiskey and gelatin. Preparation sounds like a great deal of work! What's the most recent dish you whipped up in your kitchen?

A. A sandwich. I am not good at "whipping up" dishes. Probably the last thing I "whipped up" was a meatloaf that I made the week after Christmas.

4) The lyrics contrast dining at Sardi's in New York with sunbathing in Malibu. Do you enjoy nightlife or are you more outdoorsy?

A. I do not enjoy nightlife nor am I outdoorsy. I am read-a-book-in-a-cozy-chair-y.

5) This week's song was written by Steve Allen. While best known for his work on TV (he was the first host of The Tonight Show), he was also a composer who felt most creative at the piano. When do you feel most creative?

A. Generally, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and sometimes at night after I've dreamed.
6) This week's artist, Jack Jones, won a pair of Grammy Awards and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Yet he's probably best known for singing the song that welcomed travelers aboard The Love Boat every week. What TV theme song can you sing along with?

A. Gilligan's Island. I am sure there are others, I just can't think of them right now. I used to be able to whistle the theme to the Andy Griffith Show but my whistler doesn't whistle that well anymore. I can still whistle it, but it is very soft.
7) In 1959, when this song was popular, "continuing dramas" (aka soap operas) like Young Dr. Malone and Ma Perkins were broadcast daily on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for news, talk or music?

A. I listen to the talk and news on NPR, and I listen to other stations for music.

8) Now let's turn the calendar and our attention from 1959 to 2024. Is there a skill you're looking forward to learning, or improving, this year?

A. I hope to write more, and play guitar more, and perhaps learn something new in either skill. (A friend wants me to write a screenplay. I have no idea how to write a screenplay, so that would be learning something new in an old skill.) I may go crazy and learn something completely new at some point, but at the moment I have no clue what that would be.

9) Have you purchased anything on impulse yet this year?

A. Yes. I bought a pair of knit gloves at CVS, and I bought a box of Cella's chocolate covered cherries at the grocery store. I regret neither.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. For some reason I thought you could not eat chocolate. Sounds good though. I got some gloves for Christmas and also gave some. I also own a pair that were my mom's. Meatloaf sounds really good. I tend to cook more when the weather is cold like it is. We are not used to cold weather and it is in the 60's and down to the low 40's. Remember, I live in So CA. Have a great weekend Anita!

    1. I can't eat a lot of it like I used to, but I have been able to tolerate it lately in small amounts. So two chocolate covered cherries at a time I can handle. Just not much more.

  2. I've never been able to whistle. Do you suppose I was born without a whistler?
    I'm glad you enjoyed your impulses.

  3. This has been the roughest start to a year that I have ever had and it's only day 6. Here's to a great year for both of us!

  4. Gilligan’s Island seems to be popular around here today

  5. We agree on #1 and I loved the way you answered #4.

  6. It wasn't planned, but Deb over at A Day in the Life is always talking about taking courses through Hillsdale College so I went and checked it out today and ended up signing up. They have a bunch of free courses available to anyone. Maybe you could learn something new there?

  7. #1 I’m not positive for 2024, it seems like we are going downhill.
    #7 I’ve been on NPR’s “Where we live” a couple of times.
    #9 I’ve been buying my gloves at Home Depot, I figure that since they have to work outside all the time that their gloves would be warm,

  8. #1 I’m not positive for 2024, it seems like we are going downhill.
    #7 I’ve been on NPR’s “Where we live” a couple of times.
    #9 I’ve been buying my gloves at Home Depot, I figure that since they have to work outside all the time that their gloves would be warm,


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