Saturday, November 25, 2023

Saturday 9: Long Cool Woman

Saturday 9: Long Cool Woman (in a Black Dress) 1972

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

(This is one of my husband's favorite songs.)

1) This week's song begins with Hollies' lead singer Allan Clarke telling us of a Saturday night trip downtown, taken at the behest of the FBI. What are your plans for Saturday night? (No, we don't expect you to tell us you'll be working undercover for a government agency.)

A. But gee, that is what I was going to tell you! I have a secret meeting set up for an in-depth interview with a Deep Throat who will totally unhinge the orange menace and lead us back into the light of true democracy. Just kidding. My plans would be to take a shower and either watch a movie or read a book.

2) At a bar, he meets a woman in a black dress. The LBD, or little black dress, is a wardrobe staple for many women because it's appropriate for almost any occasion. Let's say you get a last-minute invitation for a "dressy" dinner this weekend and you don't have the time or money to buy something new. What's your go-to outfit from your closet?

A. Black pants and a black top, with flashy jewelry. I don't wear dresses or skirts anymore, as I don't have the shoes for them. I have this huge orthotic I wear in my shoes so I can only wear closed toe shoes.

3) Everyone at the bar starts to run when they hear sirens. Do you often hear sirens in your neighborhood?

A. We seldom hear sirens around here. When we do, it's a sign to stop and watch to see if the fire truck or ambulance goes on by or heads down a driveway of someone we know.

4) In 1972, the year this week's song was on the charts, Popeye's opened their first fast-food chicken restaurant in Louisiana. Now that the Thanksgiving feast is over, will you be eating any carry-out this weekend?

A. Maybe. If I can get my husband to run out to the place in Daleville with great salads, we might have one of those. After all that feasting, one needs to eat some healthy greens.

5) Black is this week's signature color because November 24 was Black Friday, when retailers historically have slashed their prices and the holiday shopping season begins. Have you begun your gift shopping?

A. Yes, I have. Unless my husband asks me for something specific, I am finished with him. I would like to get my brother something special but so far haven't found the right thing.

6) Walmart, Best Buy and Target all advertise heavily on Black Friday. If you could have a $100 gift card from one of those stores, which would you choose? What would you buy?

A. I would choose Walmart and buy the things we normally buy there - deodorant, shampoo, lotion, etc. I hate to shop there but they do have the best prices and availability on some things.

7) This Monday is sometimes known as Cyber Monday because shoppers can find big savings online. Do you shop confidently online, or do you worry about security breaches and identity theft?

A. I do worry about security breaches and identity theft, but honestly, I think it is more likely to come from these big data breaches of hospitals and government agencies than from a store. I've had several notices this year that my data was stolen from a hospital system, another that it was stolen from the local government, and another that my banking system was hacked - not my account, but the entire bank. I honestly don't know what you can do to stop it at this point, and even if you don't think your information is online, it's out there.

8) What are you thankful for this year?

A. I'm thankful that I could celebrate turning 60 and 40 years of marriage. Both are big accomplishments.

9) Random question: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone (texting doesn't count)?

A. My husband. He does not text so he always calls.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 



  1. #7 I just got a letter about a security breach at a health system. Yeah, they’re fairly common, aren’t they?

  2. Cool logo. I think that microphone in the middle is a tribute to our founder, Bud.
    #1: Your secret is safe with us. Now go get 'em, CD!
    #2: Shoes would be a problem for me, too.
    #7: You're so right. A hospital I visited years ago was recently breached.

  3. Cyber crimes and identity theft are another part of the evil in this world. We take to good with the bad and ugly in many areas of our lives. Your age and years married is a positive thing. I turned 68 and 49 years married, and I call that a miracle!

  4. #1 I had a background check from the FBI for a job at work that required it (I passed.).
    #3 When my father had a heart attack he waited for me to bring him to the hospital because he didn’t want the neighbors to see the ambulance.
    #6 I am also down on shopping at Walmart, but sometimes you have to.
    #7 I only use one card online, if it gets hacked I still have another card while I wait for the old one to be replaced.

  5. #8 is a huge accomplishment! I'd be thankful for that, too!


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