Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. October reading & writing goals and plans . . . were nonexistent.

2. Something I did that totally paid off . . . was allowing my husband to be generous.

3. I want to see this make a comeback . . . that would be print, as in newspapers and books.

4. Generational traits I really value . . . include fortitude, loyalty, sense of humor, and ability to love.

5. Changes I’d like to see in my daily environment . . . include less dust, a re-do of my office, and a re-do of my husband's office.

6. Favorite soup dishes . . . are basically chicken with rice.

7. Start with the best part or save the best for last . . . or do a little bit of both, depending on the circumstances.

8. The most chaotic part of my daily life . . . is the waking up part.

9. If I could only eat 10 things, I’d pick . . . watermelon, peas, chicken, chocolate, green beans, peaches, grapes, bread, cashews, and potatoes.

10. What Autumn feels like where I live . . . is like the final stages of a long hug from a loving friend.

11. The teacher who would be most proud of me . . . is my high school math teacher.

12. My go to Halloween snacks & treats . . . are not on my mind because we have no trick-or-treaters.

13. 10 ways my life is great right now . . . include (1) I am breathing, (2) I have a comfortable bed, (3) my brother loves me, (4) my husband loves me, (5) my friends love me, (6) I have a good doctor, (7) I have a computer, (8) I have good books to read, (9) I have my cognitive functions, (10) I am still standing upright.

14. A perfect day indoors looks like . . . sitting in a chair with a good book and no worries.

15. Pumpkin spice . . . is enjoyed by other people. I'm not a fan.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I love my doctor. But I'm annoyed that they've moved her all over the place. She's been in four different offices, none close to the next, in the past 20 years. The last time my wife drove me; usually, I took the bus, but that would have taken over an hour each way.

  2. Enquiring minds want to know . . .what kind of peas are on your top ten list?

  3. I get books in print but I am now converted to Kindle. You can take loads of books on holiday all stored in a tiny device - and that saves me a lot of luggage weight (which has been a problem in the past).


  4. Green grapes! I like those but haven't thought of them in a million years. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Thought I commented. Meant to comment. But I guess my deathless prose is lost to blogosphere. ;) Anyway, I wanted to thank you for reminding me how much I like green grapes. I haven't had them in ages for some reason, but they are now on my shopping list.

  6. Your answers to #13 were great! I feel your first and last ones especially!


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