Sunday, August 06, 2023

Happiness Challenge - Day 6


Today I am looking back to see that this is my blog anniversary weekend. I started my blog on August 5, 2006.

I've been writing this thing for 17 years. That's like birthing a kid. Sort of.

My blog is printed out by blog2print every six months or so. It takes up almost an entire shelf on my bookcase now. I do this so I will have it, because this has been free all of this time, and one day, it will not be, or it will cease to exist because blogging isn't a thing anymore.

Those blog books hopefully will end up with family. Or they may end up in the recycling when I am gone, who knows. But I print them up and have them bound for myself. So I can look at them occasionally and say, "See, I did that." 

I may not be writing bestselling books, but I have written an awful lot of words.

My blog makes me happy, and even after all of these years, it can still challenge me because I try not to go for many days without writing something or posting a photo. I have to tend to it, nurture it, guard it.

After all, I've been writing here for almost 1/3 of my life!


  1. l love this post! Happy blogoversary! I'll have to look into blog2print. Thanks for the tip.

  2. I've never considered printing. Happy Blogoversary!!!

  3. Happy Blog anniversary!! I enjoy getting to know you better through your blog and the learning information you have provided me over the years I’ve read your blog. Keep up the good work for another 17 years! ;-)


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