Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Stealing


Would you rather . . .

1. Live on a boat or in a treehouse? Treehouse

2. No computer use for a year or no sweets for a year? No sweets for a year

3. Have $2,000 right now or be given $100 every month for the rest of your life? $100 every month

4. Be an astronaut or an athlete? Astronaut

5. Have 50 good friends or only one best friend? 1 best friend

6. Have bright blue teeth or bright blue hair? Blue hair

7. Have the power of flight or the power of invisibility? Invisibility. (I already have that; nobody sees old women!)

8. Have a fun friend who is snarky or a boring friend who is kind? Boring and kind with a little snark on occasion.

9. Be incredibly rich but without love or be poor but have a happy marriage? Happy marriage.

10. Have a freezing cold shower every day or a pleasant hot shower once a week? Cold shower every day.

11. Be an only child or have many siblings? Siblings.

12. Quit video games forever or live in a desert for a month? Live in a desert for a month.

13. Go on a one week trip to a foreign country of your choice or a month long trip in your own country? Month long trip.

14. Celebrate your birthday every day or go on your favorite holiday once a year? Birthday every day.

15. If fish could talk, what would you ask them? This isn't a "would you rather" sort of question. But if fish could talk, I would ask them what the world looks like to them and have them describe it.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. You noted that I spent more time with these question than you did, which may be true. But that's just the way my brain works. In any case, I can do quizzes far faster than the blog posts the rest of the week, so it's a relief, actually.

  2. I suspect I'd get used to cold showers faster than I'd get over feeling dirty ... but I don't want to do either!

  3. Invisibility of age...
    Have been thinking about that this week.
    I was invited to camp..even urged to come... but how on earth can I reach that campsite with tent, sleeping bay, normal luggage, mug and other kitchen stuff, etc train and walking 20 km??
    Son went with his girlfriend..but there was no room for me in the car anymore.

    So...invisible...inconvenient for others.. I hate getting older.

  4. I never feel that I'm invisible because I'm old, but maybe I don't get out in society enough! As for cold showers, brrrr. Not for me!

  5. Having just spent a month on vacation, I chose the week to a foreign country.

  6. I am perfectly fine if others do not notice me: it gives me the chance to observe undisturbed how people interact..... and anyway I do it even when I am noticed 😂

  7. I am an older man - but I think I am quite visible. I wish I weren't.

    And yes - put those fish on the spot. What IS it like to live in water?





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