Wednesday, March 08, 2023

White Blooms Everywhere

Sunday afternoon on a quick trip to the home improvement store, I couldn't help but stare at the multitude of white-blooming trees all along the highway.

If they are all Bradford pears, then this tree is definitely out of control. But some may be wild cherry, as we are a good month ahead of ourselves with Spring so far this year.

I snapped these out the car window with my cell as we drove by.

Yesterday when I went out to the grocery store, I noticed many of the Bradford pear trees are already leafing out, the blooms going away.


  1. Things are still snow-covered here!

  2. What a glorious relief this is after the chewing tobacco post. Blue skies! White flowers! Fresh air! Yay!

  3. Bradford Pear is one of the most invasive plants out there. I removed the two I had and every year I have to mow several hundred down in the area I took the tree's when I removed them. I kill everyone I find on the farm.


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