Friday, March 10, 2023

From Janis Ian's Facebook Page

I yanked these suggestions/questions off of Janis Ian's Facebook page. Janis Ian is a singer/songwriter and is most famous for the song At Seventeen. I am not sure why I started following her Facebook page - maybe it come up as a suggestion. At any rate, she offered up these questions, so I thought I'd answer them here.

- Lightest movie you’ve ever seen - anything on Hallmark.

- Darkest movie you’ve ever seen - The Exorcist

- Movie you wish you’d never seen - Something that had Adam Sandler in it, Zohan the Magnificent or something like that. 

- Favorite book by an author dead more than 100 years - Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell

- Favorite book by an author dead more than 1,000 years - Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles

- Favorite book to fall asleep by - Whatever I happen to be reading at the time.

- Clothing choice you wish you’d never made (post photo if possible) - I can't think of anything as an adult, but when I was younger my mother certainly picked out some rather odd-looking clothing for me.

- First person you ever fell in love with after watching them in a movie - Legolas in Lord of the Rings, played by Orlando Bloom. Oddly, I haven't liked him in anything else.

- Choice of occupation if you didn’t have to earn money doing it - Video game player.

- Last time you insulted someone (and made sure they knew it) - Gosh, it was years ago. I'd been accused by this crazy woman in town of ignoring her at another town (I never even saw her), and she made a big deal out of it in front of a lot of people at a meeting. So the next time I saw her in town, I looked straight at her, made sure she saw me, then turned my nose up to the sky and walked right past her. Then I turned around and yelled, "And that's how I ignore somebody!"

- Last time you wished you’d insulted someone (ditto) - The other day in the grocery store. I didn't, of course.

- Your idea of absolute contentment - Reading a good book in a clean house, with supper already prepared or eaten, and no chores pressing, with a nice glass of water and no one to bother me.

- Your idea of the worst vacation ever - Well, the one we had in 1989 was pretty bad. The hotel had no electricity and was running off a generator, so there was no air conditioning. It was hot as hell. The hotel across the street had electricity. So we asked for a refund so we could go across the street. When we asked for a refund, I threatened to sue, and the guy gave us back our deposit.

- Museum experience you most disliked - I can't say that I've ever disliked a museum. The only time I have problems in museums is if they smell musty or moldy.

- Least favorite painter - I don't know that I have one.

- Least favorite composer - I don't know the answer to this one, either. I am not a fan of certain types of music, so I suppose whoever is making that.

- Questionnaire you wish you'd never begun - Well, not this one. This was pretty easy. But I have done long self-tests for things like Myers-Briggs that went on and on. Some of those I wish I hadn't started.


  1. I remember reading Black Beauty as a child. I remember drawing horses too. I thought I did a good job too! My sister was better so I stuck to playing the piano. I loved the song At Seventeen!

  2. Well that was fun! A glimpse into Janis Ian's mind 40 years later. I wish we could follow Janis Joplin like that.

  3. So you actually read Sophocles! I bow to you! Those Greeks are heavy going. Orlando Bloom was my niece's first crush, about 20 years ago in "Pirates." Just seeing his name reminds me of how her cheeks would redden and she'd look away when I mentioned his name. It's a sweet memory, now that she's a married lady!


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