Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. List some wintertime comfort foods, habits, hobbies.

A. I like to read more in the winter. My favorite comfort food is Cella's chocolate covered cherries, but I am careful not to eat too many of them anymore because of digestive issues. I don't know that my habits change that lot, except perhaps I cook a little more. I make fudge or cookies. 

2. What are your favorite seasonal/holiday music and songs?

A. Do You Hear What I Hear? is my favorite Christmas song. I also like Winter Wonderland

3. Whare are the people you want to spend more time with next year?

A. Same people as always, my husband, my family, my friends. 

4. How much could you change in your life in 1 year if you focused?

A. I don't know. Maybe I could get a job. 

5. What are the valuable lessons you learned this year?

A. I can't fix the world. 

6. How would you describe 2022 in 10 words?

A. Kindness and democracy still have a toehold in the USA. 

7. What were your favorite reads of 2022?

A. I read a lot of Louise Penny's Three Pines series. Other books I enjoyed include Richard Marxx's autobiography, fantasy by Genevieve Cogman, The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (great book but incredibly long), The Four Winds, by Kristin Hannah, a couple of Nora Roberts fantasy books, and several books by David Sedaris.  

8. What were the best movies you saw in 2022?

A. Nothing comes to mind. I am not sure I watched a new movie in 2022, at least, nothing that wasn't a rerun of something I've already seen.

9. What was your favorite TV shows/episodes of 2022?

A. My husband and I both like La Brea, a fantasy/science fiction show. We also enjoyed Rings of Power, Amazon's treatment of Tolkien's world.

10. What are your memorable experiences from 2022?

A. Helping my husband through his hip replacement surgery was the highlight of the year.

11. Name three people you enjoyed spending time with this year.

A. I enjoyed my letters from my pen pal, I enjoy my phone conversations with my friend T., and I have enjoyed exchanging emails with a former professor from my alma mater. 

12. How did you handle challenges this year?

A. I geared up for my husband's surgery by reading about it as much as I could, as well as preparing myself to stay healthy by getting my Covid shots and wearing masks as suggested by my doctor. I failed miserably at some personal goals but hopefully I will do better next year. 

13. What are you leaving behind in 2022?

A. Hopefully something I do that is a big waste of time (video games).

14. How have you changed from the beginning to end of the year?

A. I'm just older. 

15. What do you want to tell yourself before the New Year?

A. I'm not a failure, I'm a good, kind person, and I belong in this world.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. You are a good, kind, and caring person. And you care about democracy!

  2. You are not a failure -- you are indeed a good, kind person and you belong in this world!!

  3. Not a failure! I think many of us get into that mindset that big things have to be done in order to feel good. Not so, I believe. David Sedaris is a favorite of mine. His sister, Amy, has a funny tour of her apartment on youtube.

  4. That last answer touched me. You are an important member of our blogging community, and we'd miss you if you weren't here.

  5. 5. I've given up trying to fix the world - unless of course I become World President. Then I will rattle a few cages, I can tell you.

    9. La Brea - nice concept but I thought the acting was a little wooden. I gave up after two episodes. I will watch Rings of Power though soon.

    13.Don't be ashamed of video games. They are fun and they keep your mind active. I;m older than you - and I still play them. No plans to give up at all.

    15. You don't sound lieka failure to me at all.





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