Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

Like millions of other people, we played the Powerball lottery with hopes of winning $2 billion. We did not, of course, though someone did. That's a lot of money, though. What would I do with it?

1. Set aside about $2 million to ensure we had plenty for our old age. This would be money we never touched. Our base funds, one might call it.

2. Set up a trust fund of about $100 million to take care of other people who needed assistance, some kind of foundation, maybe, to help folks with heating, food, or whatever. That would have to have staff, of course, to go through requests and do the helping.

3. Purchase property around us.

4. Maybe build a new home, or at least make updates to this one.

5. Build a library in Daleville (a small community in the southern end of my county that desperately needs a library).

6. My husband wants a Ferrari (I have no idea why) so I guess he would go buy that.

7. I'd give the maximum amount allowed by the IRS as monetary gifts to family and friends every year. What's the point in having money if you can't make life easier for others?

8.  I'd also build a fire station in Daleville, equip it, and pay for the staff. That would cost probably $10 million or more. Just a fire truck costs a $1 million.

9. Massive donations to the political party of my choice? Maybe, but I'd rather the government not be run on monetary donations and bribery.

10. I'd make a large donation to my alma mater.

11. Donate to help find resolutions to cancer, heart disease, etc.

12. Hire a personal trainer/cook/personal assistant.

13. Hire whoever my husband needed to help him do whatever he wanted to do.

I don't think I'd be anywhere close to spending all of that money. But hopefully I would do good with it.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 781st time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. An indoor heated pool! Maybe a place in the south on the ocean. Maybe a housecleaner. Money to the local Dems. But I've never played the lottery!

  2. Great list! Most people cannot fathom how much a billion dollars really is. You would have to spend at least, $100,000 a day for the next 25 years to get close to a billion. Take into account all the interest and values that investments can provide, odds are you never even tough the principal amount in that time. Even a simple investment account that returns 1% would pay back $27K a day, Someone actually has the power to change so many peoples lives with that kind of money. Wish it was me!

  3. One can dream right? I would get a new home in the hills. We could use a second car. I would give my kids money to get homes. I would give some to my church and various research organizations like Alzheimer's.

  4. We’re on the same wavelength. After making sure we’re covered for the rest of our lives, I’d donate the money to scholarships, charities, alma maters, and family and friends. I’d get me an electric bike, at least.

  5. What a lovely list! I especially like thinking of your husband tooling around in a Ferrari, and you being the force behind the fire house.

  6. We bought a ticket too....I would buy a couple of vacation homes, a new car, and do some traveling.


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