Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. If you could witness any event from history, what would it be?

A. The actual creation of the US Constitution, so I would know for sure what the Founding Fathers meant by their language in the document.

2. What do you think about conspiracy theories?

A. I think they are symptoms of a sick society.

3. Do you like cartoons? Do you have /had a favorite one?

A. I like cartoons sometimes. I liked most of the ones I watched as a kid - Bugs Bunny, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Underdog, Milton the Monster, etc. Typical late '60s and early 1970s cartoon-watching kid.

4. What did you most dislike in school times?

A. Going home.

5. How do you think the end of the world will look like?

A. Like that sentence, all mixed up and not grammatically correct.

6. What sounds are in your opinion relaxing? The sound of the sea? Traffic? Vacuum cleaner? Combine harvester on the field? Some kind of music? Birds singing?

A. I find music relaxing, and the sound of the air purifier at night helps me sleep.

7. Which would you take: The well-worn path or the road less travelled?

A. I seem to have followed a road less traveled, so I'll go with that one.

8. What was the last thing you read?

A. The Return, by Nicholas Sparks

9. What is one thing that has stumped you so hard you won't ever forget it?

A. Does this sentence mean like a math problem, or some kind of life issue? Or a time I hit my little toe and broke it? Apparently, grammar has stumped the writer of these questions.
10. What are you interested in that most people aren’t?

A. Grammar. Fantasy. Time.

11. What’s something you really resent paying for?

A. The Internet. Electricity. Things that people need to live should be free.

12. What did you think was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now?

A. Smoking.

13. If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

A. I would be born at some future date, like the year 5555, in whatever would be considered the "first world" in that year.

14. Do you think cats have any regrets?

A. I don't think too much about cats.

15. What question do you hate answering?

A. Some of these weren't my favorites, but the questions that ask you if you'd rather be old/young and still have health/or not, or be a certain age, etc. always irritate me.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. You will never find me making gramaticul erors and spelling mistakes. I proud myself on my ability to never ever ever split an infinutiv.




  2. I'm starting my Constitution unit with my history classes--there is much discussion about #1.

  3. The Constitutional Convention is a good one, although I suspect it was boring and tedious at times.

  4. Your answer to the question about school has me thinking about how many children in our world might answer the same way. I'm pretty sure my sentence is grammatically incorrect :-).


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