Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Why I Still Mask Up

I am a masker.

And proud of it.

I've had only one person comment to me about wearing a mask, and it was someone I know, and someone I no longer care to be around. It was a man and the comments (he said something to me 3 times, with the last time being the deal breaker) were along the line that healthy people didn't need to mask, and the last time he saw me as I was leaving a store and he snickered, "You really think that mask is going to save you?" I walked right past him without a word.

I don't know why people think they have the right to comment on other people's actions or appearances, especially harmless ones that don't affect them. Now, if I were running my buggy into someone's heels in the store, of course I would expect them to turn around and tell me to stop. I have affected them. But wearing a mask affects no one. I happen to think that when we're in a high transmission area, as we are at the moment, and you don't wear a mask, then you're ignorant and part of the problem, but I don't go around telling people that. I do my thing and move on. Live and let live and all of that.

I wear a mask because I could have Covid and not know it. That's the way it works. I have allergies and I frequently have sinus drainage, a sore throat, and other symptoms that could be Covid. I test myself when things are flaring up, but I don't if I'm feeling ok. But I could be positive and not have tested at the right time.

And I'd be pretty upset if I thought I went out when I shouldn't have, without a mask, and killed somebody's grandma.

Also, I acknowledge there's a degree of feeling safer in a mask for me. I have not picked up every virus and bacterial infection around since I've been wearing masks. My allergies are not as bad if I wear a mask when I'm outside. They may not keep me from getting Covid, but they keep me healthier.

If I see someone obviously sick in the store, I leave. I have sat in the parking lot at the post office for 10 minutes waiting on the crowd to die out when I saw that most of its customers had no mask on. My time, my choice. 

My doctor has assured me that the likelihood of my dying from Covid, even with the vaccinations, is higher than average. I have asthma and other underlying health conditions (and I am judged on those, too, though those who judge haven't a clue of my history). I am taking care of myself, and I haven't time to worry about what other people do. (I also am carrying around a letter from my doctor that says I should wear a mask at all times because of my health.)

I don't understand why this is an issue, or anyone's business but my own.


  1. I'm with you. I still mask when I go into stores. I often watch to see if there are others, and there are almost always one or two, but never many. I don't care if I'm the only one! And I am basically healthy, but I'd like to stay that way. Then there's my husband, who has asthma and other health problems, plus being overweight. I don't want to be the one to kill him. If covid completely disappeared, I think I'd still mask during flu season. Nobody has said anything to me about wearing a mask so far.

  2. Yup. it is no one's business. Many people undergoing chemo must wear masks all the time and I've heard people making nasty judgmental comments to them as well. My late husband had to wear masks while undergoing chemo and then during the height of Covid, I kept him home all the time. I am so sorry you had to put up with that.


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