Thursday, September 01, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

Types of smart -

1. Common sense smart. My mother used to tell me I lacked this; it means knowing how to fix things or look both ways before you cross the street. Maybe it means you know how to mow the yard or turn the water off when the toilet leaks. It seems to be lacking in many arenas these days.

2. Book smart. This is learning and information from books. Since people seldom read now, except for memes and short things on the Internet, I am probably a minority in having book smarts.

3. Street smart. Similar to common sense smart, street smarts keep you safe when you're out and about. It may also mean you know how to use a knife.

4. Business smart means having a good head for business, maybe good at numbers and math and understanding niches and what people need.

5. People smart would be understanding people and knowing what is really going on in their heads by the way they move, use their eyes (I roll mine a lot), or other physical movements.

6. Get Smart was a TV show about a crazy spy who couldn't really solve the case but somehow did. Sort of a Pink Panther for TV.

7. Smart home is a house plugged into the internet, with AI activated lights, doorbells, etc.

8. Smart TV is a television that is connected to the internet. It allows streaming video, and you can play video games on it.

9. Musically smart would be someone who can read music, or pick it up by ear, at any rate, and play a musical instrument or sing. If everyone were musically smart, we might all dance our way down the aisles at the grocery store. IMHO, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

10. Rural smart are people who know the land and the ways of working with it, like a farmer, gardener or a landscape person. Not everyone has a green thumb.

11. Creatively smart people find unique solutions to problems. They're not just artists or writers - they are also inventors or others who solve problems in different ways.

12. Spatial smarts allows you to see that the square peg isn't going into the round hole. Some people are missing this.

13. Jean Smart is a movie actress who played in Designing Women. I last saw her in Mare of Easttown.

Extra: Smart a$$, aka someone who added in Get Smart and Jean Smart in a list of things about intelligence. 😁

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 771st time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Ha ha. Smarty pants or ooh, that smarts!

  2. A lot of people seem to be lacking in quite a few of these smarts.

  3. #6 -- Nicely played!

    If you have HBO Max, you might enjoy Hacks. Jean Smarts plays a Vegas comedienne of a certain age (think Joan Rivers).


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