Thursday, July 07, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

Things I recently learned:

1. It takes longer to get your finger x-rayed if you think you broke it than it does to get your hip replaced.

2. Soft tissues injuries are as bad as breaks or can be.

3. My cellphone can withstand a good drop and roll because I have a very sturdy case with rubbery sides on it. Highly recommended.

4. Listening to a book on ethics is NOT recommended; these are better off read.

5. Compression socks are easier to put on yourself than someone else.

6. Rain dances do not necessarily end up with rainfall - although sometimes they do.

7. Supply shortages include weird things like certain types of potato chips, crackers, fresh vegetables, and meats of various kinds.

8. Gasoline pumps that offer a discount (like at Kroger) are confusing because they don't give you the discount all at once, you can take just a small amount if you want, like say 15 cents instead of 55 cents. I don't know why everything has to be made difficult. Just give me the 55 cents and be done with it, I don't want to have to think about it.

9. People let you know who they are by what they say and what they do. Take them at their word and accept their actions as indicative of who they are. I'm not saying if someone is good or bad, but it is truly a measure of a person. Kind of makes me wonder who and what people think of me.

10. The thing you need will show up too late to be of use.

11. People do not take into consideration many of the things that are happening now (supply shortages, inflation, etc.) are not because people don't want to work. Many of the job openings are because over 1 million people died of Covid, and because 28.6 million (yes, that many!) people retired after the third quarter of 2020, mostly boomers between the ages of 56 and 70. When 30 million people are out of the job market in a two-year period, there are bound to be job openings everywhere and not a glut of workers when the generations coming behind are not so large in number.

12. Britain's legislature has a few members with morals, at least. That's more than I can say for the majority of the legislators in the USA.

13. Common ground and societal goods are concepts that we quickly need to learn and reinstitute into the public discourse.

Extra: Wordle resets your win count if you miss a day.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 763rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Really #1! Can't even follow #8. #11 makes sense and I'm jealous of the Brits.

  2. #10 I’ve been searching for an empty spray bottle that I’m sure I saw a few weeks ago. I’m almost ready to go buy another. #12 That’s what I thought, too, when I heard about Johnson’s resignation.

  3. Lucky #14: I've got to go play right now!


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