Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. Would you rather eat pizza every day or never eat pizza again?

A. Since I currently on a no-pizza diet, and have been for almost two years, I'd at least like to eat pizza once in a while. But not every day. I'd have to go with never eat pizza again, since it looks like that is where I'm going to be anyway.

2. Would you rather stay forever at your current age or be 10 years younger?

A. What do you exchange for the 10 years? I would stay forever at my age at 10 years younger; my health was a little better then. But not forever now.

3. Would you rather have too many friends or too few?

A. Too many. They sort themselves out to the correct number after a time.

4. Would you rather have no taste buds or be blind?

A. No taste buds, I guess, although some of the long Covid people may disagree.

5. Would you rather never hear music again or lose the ability to read?

A. Lose the ability to read, because I could always listen to audio books, podcasts, and news on the TV and radio.

6. Would you rather speak “whale” or read babies’ minds?

A. Speak "whale" I think.

7. Would you rather be the richest person or the smartest?

A. In the USA, rich beats smart every time.

8. Would you rather create history or delete it?

A. I would rather create it.

9. Would you rather create a great piece of art and not get credit or get credit for a piece of art you didn’t create?

A. The first one.

10. Would you rather age from the neck up, or from the neck down?

A. This question is so silly I am not going to answer it.

11. Would you rather see the world but live in poverty or stay in one place and live rich?

A. I'm not sure how an impoverished person sees the world, but that one.

12. Would you rather become famous or powerful?

A. Powerful, if I must choose. Hopefully I would use my power for good.

13. Would you rather be a creative person or a technical person?

A. A creative person.

14. Would you rather get a paper cut whenever you touch paper or bite your tongue whenever you eat something?

A. Get a paper cut. I could avoid paper, but I have to eat.

15. Would you rather wake up in the morning looking like a giraffe or a kangaroo?

A. I'd rather look like a kangaroo. Maybe I already do.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. We are creatng a group of Sunday Stealing kangaroos.

  2. I'm sure you would do things for GOOD not evil.


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