Monday, May 02, 2022

The Water Bill Dream

Last night I dreamed that I received a bill in the mail for $26,000.00. It was from the water facility in New Castle, where I used to write the newspaper (I freelanced for the paper, but it's not a lie to say I wrote the paper. I did.).

The letter received with the bill showed a contract I'd signed on behalf of the paper (that's how tightly interwoven I was with this freelancing for this newspaper) for water services for the small office.

The company had never paid the bill, and here, more than 20 years later, I was getting it because my name was on the contract.

I panicked. I didn't have money to pay this off. My credit was going to be ruined. This was devastating!

Frantic, I tried to contact the former editor I wrote for. He's retired. I finally found him in a parking lot, and I jumped in his truck and told him I needed to talk to him. He said he didn't want to talk to me. I told him I knew where there were a massive herd of deer and that he should see it. He agreed. (I knew he'd never turn down a chance to see wildlife.) He said we were going to the Northstar (that's a restaurant in Buchanan) to eat breakfast first. Then we came to my house, where there was a herd of about 1,000 deer roaming in front of my house, and I panicked again because they were eating all the grass and the cows were going to starve.

I woke up with my jaw locked shut (happens sometimes) and my heart being over 100 beats per minute.

Now where did that come from?


  1. What a dream! I have had a few like that. Stays with you all day. How many cows do you own?


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